
US stocks have faced a new round of tumbling. 3 trading days this week

129667889674209142_181American Thanksgiving this year may have a difficult on the eve of 24th holiday, US stocks have faced a new round of tumbling. 3 trading days this week, the Dow Jones industrial average rose from 11 star wars the old republic,795 tumbled 538 points to 11,257 points, decreases up to a week 4.4%; p 500 is another important index six consecutive trading days collecting yin. Major fundsFlows into stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! Data from a macro-level as well as the European sovereign debt markets is undoubtedly the market slump blamed for bad news. Over the weekend, United States announced the number of applications for unemployment benefits dropped to its lowest level in 7 months, but housingLoan default rates have soared, but France and Spain conceals to euro-era high borrowing costs, market confidence has been suppressed. Such a situation as this week Germany exacerbated debt auction cold. Has been a leader of the eurozone economy Germany a total of 6 billion euros in the 10-year bond auction, selling only 60%, show investors wish admission is extremely low. The next twoDay, Germany bond prices fell for two consecutive days, 10-year government bond yields rose to 2.26%, nearly four weeks for the highest value is the first time in nearly two years more than United Kingdom bond yields. Most robust economic situation Germany Government bond yields are rising sharply, shows Europe's sovereign debt crisis has moved from the past "European pig five" spread to the euro-zone country, thisInvestors ' risk appetite downwards. Market analysts say Germany bond yields fall, a large reason is market expected Germany to other eurozone countries finally give in, allow the ECB to change functions, and allows the issuance of common eurozone bonds in response to European debt risks.����This expectation led investors to flee the current Germany bonds. In addition Japan indebtednessHigh warning by IMF, is hitting the world's major stock markets.����Japan current debt levels nearly twice times the current annual GDP, IMF disclosure of a report warning that Japan beyond the sustainable level of debt, financial reforms must be implemented swtor power leveling, spending cuts, otherwise there is the risk of default. Asian investors, needs more of a concern is that ifFruit Japan bond yields continue to rise, is likely to cause Asian market liquidity risk. In fact, the collapse of the stock market over the past week in major developed countries, also hit the Hong Kong market. The Hang Seng index tumbling one after another.����A number of global macro hedge fund believes that very likely that the Hang Seng index continued to hit low for the year. If there has been no major positive news, the Hang Seng index in the rest of the yearSharp turn for the better are slim. Hong Kong investors originally anticipated the Mainland economy will get better, and inflationary pressures easing cases may be easing credit, but on 23rd HSBC announced in November, China manufacturing purchasing managers ' index (PMI) Preview value is only 48 in October, representing values falling significantly 3%, its lowest since nearly 32 months, reflecting the MainlandThe macroeconomic situation has not improved significantly. At a time when inflation only fell slightly, the Mainland may have an incentive monetary easing, this shows that the market may still remain sluggish trend in the near future.

