
then cut the country's rating agencies was Fitch.In the Brussels market in trading today

129667837389365392_210Beijing time on November 26, morning news, poor's Friday report, decided to include Belgium's sovereign credit rating downgrade one level because the Agency believed that Belgium banking security measures, the lack of policy coherence, as well as the slowdown in economic growth will be difficult to alleviate their debt burden in the country. At present, BelgiumBurden of debt in the eurozone in the fifth highest level. Poor's decision today to Spain's sovereign credit ratings from "AA" lowered from "AA" ratings Outlook to "negative" (Negative), which means that the Agency's future may further decline in Spain rating, this is the poor's downgraded its nearly 13 years Spain reviewLevel, which makes Spain in local currency of the standard and poor's credit rating and the Czech Republic, and Kuwait and Chile and other countries at similar levels. In the past two months, Belgium's borrowing costs have surged to its highest level since 11, because the Government agreed to buy German g banks (DEXB) owned by Belgium the banking sector, and for the linePart of the debt for a period of 10 years of warranty. ����After the six-party coalition talks ran aground earlier this week, investors continued to sell Belgium government bonds because the Liberal Party and the Socialist Party in the country is still divided on the question of how to reduce its budget deficit. Earlier this year, eurozone Member already exists in Slovenia, and Italy, and Spain, and Ireland, and PortugalAnd Greece's sovereign credit rating was downgraded. Belgium has a population of 10.8 million, the capital of Brussels the European Commission and the North Atlantic (600,558) (11.95,0.01,0.08%) headquarters of the Organization, the last time the country's sovereign ratings were downgraded, in 1998, then cut the country's rating agencies was Fitch.In the Brussels market in trading today, will be due September 2021, coupon interest rate of 4.25% of 10-year Belgium yields increased by 13 basis points, to 5.86%, had previously touched on 5.88%, its highest level since February 2000. Investors held a 10-year Belgium government bonds rather than GermanyRequired additional yield obtained debt widened to 360 basis points to a record high. Other rating agencies the old republic power leveling, Moody's investors service last month has been Belgium's "Aa1" sovereign credit ratings into the downgrade watch lists, because the country's banks may introduce additional aid measures, market confidence in the highly indebted eurozone countries "fragile"Bring risks, as well as economic growth slows. Fitch Ratings confirmed on October 20 the Belgium "AA" sovereign ratings swtor power leveling, but Outlook still remained at "negative" does not change, said the country needs to adopt a "more active" debt reduction plan.

