
additionOutside of China Mobile

129667889656084142_134Recently, the telecom industry there are two "things": first, may be charged in the area of broadband telecommunications, Unicom monopoly, if may be penalized "billions of Yuan", is the development and Reform Commission of the act as operator; the other is the United States ATIt seems that both countries have in common is indeed more and more, while monopoly is also in the name of international permits. However, what is monopolization? Take advantage of its position in the market and take malicious marginalization, depress the competitive method is called a market monopoly; using access, on the policy bias, malicious shield opponents, known as administrative monopolies. But the difference is really a bitDifficult, unclear distinction as being distinct from, and how to fix it?   Main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! "Monopoly" should not be the monopoly hat on Board once detained swtor power leveling, beaten by the monopoly Board, many issues not become clear, but more dieBurnt. For example, Chinese national fixed-line, fixed-line firms was a home and later in "mighty" Telecom restructuring is divided into network and telecommunications, is a big reason is to "break the monopoly", however, split just "across the river and governance", North, South Telecom netcom. Then, respectively to the two other sites on the net, put into huge, but the benefitsPoor, widespread losses. This "low level of competition in the name" will certainly bring some benefits to consumers, but how big is this benefit? Is greater than the network causing huge waste cost?  In fact, it was a hutuzhang. Why should there be such a hutuzhang? This is because many people don't respect the law, not combining the character of this industry as a result of。 On one hand, one carrier from entering a community or a building, and after the occupation of the site, another carrier in order to enter the cost is very high, vulnerable side eventually had difficulties in obtaining profits, but adds tremendous social costs, marketing costs, it may not be really reduced the final price of telecommunication services, or even to lower the quality of serviceAsh; for example, most 2M, 4M, 8M rate of broadband fall short of the commitments. The other hand, if it is a freeway, gas pipelines, do you want 3-5 to strengthen the construction of every family competition? Clearly not. Why, then, is specific to the telecommunications industry, you must be a number of both to be a business, to strengthen the competition? After all, mobile broadband andFixed broadband competition, competitors. So, this kind of rhetoric is support monopoly? Refrain from using the dichotomy of the world. The problem is that how we see the industry objective law: for some of the industry, how licensing alone to promote competition is invalid, or even waste, you should choose a better way to promote competition. Promoting industrial development requires symptomaticContinuous. For example, currently on a fixed-line broadband access Telecom, China Unicom does a lot of problems, however, these problems is not necessarily caused by a monopoly, there are management level, factors such as the industrial stage of development.  Even with the introduction of radio and television (in fact, many city radio and TV broadband access services) may not be able to improve the competitive strength, to mention the quality of service. Therefore, theAs we approach the origin of the problem. The crux of the matter is not an across-the-Board judgement monopolies or not, but competition is valid, and should not take anything a big stick.  Monopoly of the stick, and institutions like the stick often fail, because many questions need machetes, in fact, most of the time needed is acjt, detail and proceed to. Three embroideryNeedles for the competition became effective, allow operators to provide services of higher quality the old republic power leveling, lower prices, while guaranteeing profits just by "breaking" is impossible.  Then, constructive criticism is what? First, allow radio and TV to enter, but broadcasting your own nor have policy premiums. Radio and TV network in the country are very popular, and cable television network with a little modification you canIn order to achieve, so allowing radio and television network came in and there is nothing to dispute, telecommunications and Unicom if malignant monopolistic behavior should be corrected. However, it is not because the relatively weak industrialization of radio and television, enjoy premium policy, but more from internal strength efforts, for example, building a national cable network, rather than in every province in siloH; the problem has been saying for a long time, but advancing slowly, should start their own reasons. Second, to adopt rules to reduce unnecessary waste, achieving low cost, high efficiency competition. For example, CNC, Northern Telecom in the South a large amount of investment for the year end with little was, look at competition. As mobile communications and fixed-line is also competing. Now, fixed networkBroadband carriers of the weak, such as China Mobile, so you can use mobile communications make up, strengthen the construction of WiFi instead of laying out a Web; broadcasting can also implement bi-directional transformation, even allied with Internet companies, charging end main content. Third, we must strengthen operator's examination, achieving secondary allocation of dividends. It is well known that domestic operators, additionOutside of China Mobile, basically operational efficiency is not good, there were management issues, as well as GSM first-mover advantage issue, mixing the two together, indistinguishable. In this case, if you suppress or fostering is wrong, because this amounted to a disguised penalty high operational efficiency of enterprises, but should move more parts of the bonus for special telecommunications basePayments for public services, such as the construction of universal service, WiFi. Three embroidered needle, easier, but they are not targeting specious monopoly. This is like ATMake these two weak not be bought, did really good for consumers? In fact, Srpint annual loss cannot T-Mobile nor money into the construction of 4G, now not being acquired, I am afraid that in the future would not escape the fate

