

129667889705302892_263Encourage "three basic level" industrial concentration area widening financing channels; encourage enterprises financing in "three basic level" industrial concentration area, encouraging elements of financial markets, financial institutions, in the case of business sustainability and risk control, around the "three basic level" of enterprise development, take full advantage of existing policies, widen enterprises financing channels, perfect the credit guarantee system, the development of trade finance,Accounts receivable financing and other financial products, innovative service models.   Main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! Officially released yesterday by the Ministry of industry and information technology of the machine components, the underlying manufacturing processes and materials industry "Twelve-Five" programme. 《Plan suggested that "Twelve-Five", "three basic level" industry should focus on major equipment and high-end equipment needs, focus on the development of 11 categories of machinery basic parts, 6 basic manufacturing processes and 2 types of basic materials; pooling resources, focusing on development of 20 kinds of iconic machine components, 15 are iconic and 12 signature based materials manufacturing technology of Foundation and realization of industrialization.According to the plans, the current "three basic level" industry is seriously lagging behind the hosts and are cured in industrial chain in the low-end situation should be reversed as soon as possible, promoted "three basic level" overall level of industries and international competitiveness without delay. The plan clearly "Twelve-Five" during the "three basic level" industrial development goals, through five years of effort, China's "three basic level" industrial innovationForce have markedly improved, and manufacturing standards have markedly improved, can basically meet the development needs of heavy equipment, industry development situation of serious delays to be changed. Specific indicators include: first, supporting capacity, major equipment required basic matching capacity to more than 75%; basic manufacturing skills improve, high precision casting and forging and large meet the domestic demandSeeking; materials supporting the basis required for major equipment levels increased dramatically. Second, innovation capacity, machine components reliability, performance, consistency and stability is significantly improved, product service life improved 15%~20%, breaking a number of key components, the underlying manufacturing processes and materials technology of core technology and industrialization, forming a number of research and development and testingTotal service platform.  Third, organizational structure swtor power leveling, and set up coordination with host development, technical high starting point, high-volume system of specialization,; formed a number of annual sales of more than 10 billion internationally competitive large enterprise groups, cultivate 100 companies with well-known brand "specialized, refined, unique" enterprise, optimized 30 characteristic industrial clusters. Four are sectionsReducing consumption and emissions, comprehensive application of green manufacturing technology and equipment, raw materials increased utilization by 10%, tons of qualified castings 0.12 tonnes of standard coal less energy, tons of qualified forgings 0.08 tons of standard coal less energy, when tons of heat-150-kilowatt less energy, pollutant emissions are significantly reduced. The plans put forward by 2020, formation and hosts collaborativeIndustrial pattern of development to meet major equipment and high-end equipment on machine components, the underlying manufacturing processes and materials requirements, innovative capacity and international competitiveness in the international advanced level, international leader in parts. The plans proposed the old republic power leveling, through policy guidance, promote cross-regional and cross-ownership of enterprises merger and reorganization, consolidating superior resources, improving the degree of industrial concentration, Forming a number of high starting point, with international competitiveness, the output value of over $ 10 billion worth of large enterprise groups.  Play leading enterprise drive, radiation, formation of large enterprise groups and SMEs complement each other and coordinated development of the industry. At the same time, the "three basic" industrial concentration area, encouraging elements of financial markets, financial institutions, business sustainability and risk controlConditions, around the "three basic level" of enterprise development, take full advantage of existing policies, widen enterprises financing channels, perfect the credit guarantee system, the development of trade financing, receivables financing and other financial products, innovative service models. Encourage enterprises listing and financing.

