
according to Taiwan media reports

129668732723593750_47The Huaxia Jingwei website, November 27: according to Taiwan media reports, the PFP 2012 "general election" candidate James Soong accept United Kingdom power BBC interview, said after he defeated in 2006 Taipei Mayor did announce exit politics, "but this is only the requirements of self, rather than statutory commitments". It was reported that James Soong said that this election is not to ask who promiseWhat, also promised he would never serve as KMT Chairman Ma Ying-jeou, elected before the Mayor of Taipei, also said that hundreds will never stand for election. Was asked if the defeat have any plans? Soong responded, "think twice, not". He said that if evaluates the future, there's no need to select. Now move ahead, not taken into account after the election. James Soong said although he polls behind two otherHand, the present opinion poll does not reflect the real public opinion. Polls over 30% neutral people, public opinion is still to be decided by last campaign period to. Among many voters for the KMT's "ruling" dissatisfaction are not comfortable with the DPP the old republic power leveling, he provide voters with a third option outside of the KMT and the DPP. After the BBC interview summaries swtor power leveling, "James Soong has also made it clear that he supportedEventual reunification between the two sides. For he keeps Taiwan

