
ran away some unit cut meat certainly regret sudden boom is not likely to shareThe Gospel

129667889768427892_425In 2011, to some extent, the financial sector is part of the trust industry. Securities, funds in a recession, slowing growth in the insurance, banking, credit frequent outbreaks of civil crisis, the trust industry make blossom, appears to be immune. Main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) ran away some unit cut meat certainly regret sudden boom is not likely to shareThe Gospel: hold stocks saved! Chinese trust industry association recently published data show that trust management of assets at the end of last year, more than fund company, jumped $ 1 trillion, reached 4,097,773,000,000 yuan in late September. Late last year, the figure was 3.0404 trillion yuan, three quarters, growth 30%. According to another trust Association revealed that three quarters of, 61 trust company has created a net profit of $ 15.876 billion.  Trust business most proud of is net income per capita, the first three quarters, the figure is $ 1.65 million. However, the trust industry's rapid growth is suppressed at no small risk, slow is the management of the trust issue for October, customers, or trust their risk concerns.Trust benefits chain "we had over $ 2 billion in net profit this year, although the final report might appear on it. "A trust company in Beijing said.  In 2010, the net profit of over $ 2 billion company cannot safely trust a, may have more trust across net profit this year of $ 2 billion threshold. 2011 trust business miracle projectionMany thriving legends circulated in the industry. "I have heard that some trust, trust managers earning tens of millions of dollars. "Securities financial Research Institute, told reporters.  Yi Li 旸, head of trust also believes that there is the possibility. Trust Manager in accordance with the traffic Commission, about the management fee, up to 20%. Suppose a trust product size1 billion yuan, the management fee is 1.5%, in accordance with the highest percentage cut do trust manager of the trust business to cut $ 3 million. If you want revenue to tens of millions, then this size of the Trust Manager to achieve the $ 10 billion.  In fact, trust products this year because of high interest rates do not have to worry about selling. In November, even in the event of a relaxation of monetary policy signals,Collections trust product average yields as high as 9.08%.  In October, established a collection of capital trust products of average annual yield of 9.23%. In fact, trust making money in China is just make a little money, big money also is trust company to obtain. Last year, according to statistics, 49 trusts total net profits to $ 15.9 billion. Apart from ping an trust net profit exceeding2 billion dollars, China resources trust, CITIC trust, honesty and care net profit above the $ 1 billion.  Trust boom brings the entire industry chain benefits.  Because the trust, in the case of third party financial institutions license was not approved, trust sales had already enough to make them prosperous days, and let the Bank intermediate business income had increased. Trusts productionSale the old republic power leveling, there are three main channels: direct marketing, a trust company bank channels and third party sales. Channels is the trust's "lifeline".  According to Liu Xiyong introduction, trust in the distribution channels, banks sell products accounted for up to 60% per cent, the remaining 30% are done by third party financial institutions and direct sales, direct marketing accounted for less than 10%. On the first third-party sales, ConnaughtAsia trust benefits of dividends for the growth of wealth that is. Not long ago, Noah wealth publishing three quarterly third quarter net profit attributable to the shareholders of the company for $ 5.7 million, 82.6% than the same period last year. If you are not in accordance with United States GAAP, Noah wealth belonging to company shareholders in the third quarter net income of $ 6.4 million, over the same period last year, up 89.5%. Noah wealth predominantly trust product sales of products. 2005 Noah wealth just established, registered capital of only $ 3 million. In its early years, survival difficult. Until after 2007, Noah wealth just as the rapid development of trust and development. Engineering 2007 total revenues of $ 3.387 million, net profitRun for $ 346,000, 2008 total revenues of $ 8.87 million, loss of $ 402,000.  2009 total revenue of $ 15.4 million, 3.648 million dollars net profit. Rather than the public's trust sales organization, profit is also striking. According to a person familiar with the introduction, in 2010, a third-party financing companies in Beijing sell trust productsAnnual net profit of 30 million Yuan, will certainly exceed that figure this year. These third-party financial institutions mainly benefit in two ways, first, sell trust products directly to obtain commissions.  According to Shenzhen, a trust company Trust Manager, which can be reached by a high proportion of 2% (different products have different); the other one is the service charge. At present, the main income still dependent on the former.If a third party financial institutions to help trust company sold more than $ 1 billion worth of products, in a 2% a Commission rate, there is a $ 20 million in revenue. According to the insiders, many third-party financial advisor broker broker sales practices, mass hire cheap labor, net-marketing. Sales Manager a monthly salary of more than 1000 Yuan, as the company may20%-70%% of the income, not have finished the task out, very high gross margins. Some third-party financial institution with customer resource may strive for a high percentage of commissions and service fees. In July of this year, Noah wealth on the outgoing trust to block things.  The reason is that Noah wealth the asking price was too high. Banks sell trust most swtor power leveling, of course, is the largest recipientParty. And banks to obtain higher Commission rates of up to 2% per cent.  The first three quarters of this year have added $ 1 trillion in trusts, assuming 60% sales in banks, trust sales banks could get only 12 billion to 30 billion yuan revenue. In that year, trust has become a fool. "If you were granted a trust company, can you profit? "The reporter asked."It is so easy.  "Journalists on the same issue thrown to more persons engaged in trust, and the reply is the same. "In the case of large environments are very good, if not greater decision-making blunders, trust company to yield profitable, even a small trust company, is also able to feed themselves.  "Usufruct trust Studios said Li 旸. Trust riskAt first glance are CICC analyst Wang pine calculation, compound growth of trust industry in 2006 operating income up to 31.4%, far beyond earlier banking 22.1% 26.7%, insurance and securities sectors cent level.  King pine predicted that revenue can still trust 2011 growth 33.4%. But glorious past, Starting from the third quarter, signs of trust there have been down.  Galaxy securities strategist Li Ya, Ming notes that trust release total size for the collection classes in the first half continue to rise this year, in June, after a record amount of days, issuing continued to decline.  By October, signs of decline in this more obvious. According to the usufructuary trust statistics, silverCooperation between trust products of 889 per cent per cent in October from September. While the issue size is $ 142.388 billion, down, this is the lowest level all year round.  Even in the presence of the Chinese new year in February, this figure is $ 232.3 billion, in July this year, the size of nearly $ 300 billion. See collection class trust. From its establishment in context,270 October assembled funds trust products set up, set up a scale of 40.642 billion yuan per cent reduction and 29%, respectively. Furthermore, usufruct trust Studio release of trust index for October, can be as simple as understanding for the 49% trust company in October to keep the expansion. The index shows that in October again trust market cools, Below 50% dividing line for the first time in two years. Li 旸 believe that in recent months, the trust industry slowdown in growth, there were two main reasons. First, near the end of net capital assessment, trust company active contract size.  Second is the regulator in order to control risks, restricts the issue of real estate investment trust. The so-called net capital assessment is based on the enactment of the net capital management methods, According to the method request, trust will be the end to settle net capital, due to the net capital management approach called the trust company of net capital shall not be less than the sum of the risk capital 100% and financing of real estate investment trust risk capital up to 3%, making lots of net capital trust company must be close to the red line to reduce the issue of real estate investment trust. ThisOut since June, CBRC further intensify supervision of the trust industry, real estate investment trust business to implement "one by one the approval", bond fund raising real estate investment trust was suspended. In November, the market rumours and China Banking Regulatory Commission halted the Bohai Sea trust, founder of East Asia trust, trust and Minmetals four Sichuan trust company real estate investment trust business. For a period of 3 months. Although the CBRC and the Bohai SeaSea trust, trust in Sichuan, subsequently denied by both.  But trusts can be clearly felt the management regulation of real estate investment trusts more strictly. Tough management for real estate investment trust is not without reason.  October country 70 per cent from the House prices index dropped below 100 for the first time, marking the price is about to enter a phase of decline in real terms. House price fallsCan affect the real estate investment trust can deliver benefits in the future.  Although the CBRC required cannot undertake income trust products, but labels are labeled earnings, judging from the past few years, earnings of the trust compliance rate was still very high, investors trust products also tend to be regarded as high profits and low risk investments. However, the real estate investment trust is about to enter the due season.According to Puyi's wealth provides data, 46 real estate investment trust products of the four quarters will expire. Who issued the largest number of zhongrong trust is, issuing a total 6. Followed by iron in good faith support and trust, issue 5. These 46 products is the largest in due on December 1, "collection 2009 runtong Hongye investment trust scheme", by 1$ 650 million, issued by the credit support, term is 24 months. The Vanguards of the quarter is just a real estate trust expires, real estate companies are also to be completed with other funding commitment yields.  But large-scale real estate investment trust products issued in the second quarter of this year many of them are due next year, the year after, so next year, the year after will become real estate investment trust risk concentration when released. In addition to premisesTrust, trust facing the environment as a whole is shifting from more good than bad. Maintaining popular trust products because trust product yields.  In October, the collection class product 9.34% rate of return is the mainstream investment goods to occupy some of the other. Trust in high yields because of high capital cost. In the tightening of monetary policy, the banks have no means to borrow moneyConditions, financing of the trust for many companies the lowest cost path. However, signs of liquidity has improved.  On November 22, Zhejiang Provincial rural credit system directed cut part of the institution's reserve requirement rate of 0.5% per cent. As more bodies are expected to first quarter of next year will be fully lowered reserve requirements. Barclays Bank said: "we believe that theOfficial monetary policy if there is any change, most likely to occur in the first quarter of 2012. Because the M2 and slowing growth in the total amount of Community financing are fast, we do not rule out selectively reduced possibility of some bank deposit reserve rates, or even wider deposit reserve rate cut before the end. "When the capital costs, and other investment products such asRising yields on bonds, stocks, companies financed by the trust, or investors through investment trust products may have less attractive. CICC, Li Ya, Ming believed that trust industry inflection point be 2013 years later, in his view, the trust revenue growth next year is still as high as 41.5%, even more than this year. Next will come down.

