
cotton was 3 years in a row up sharply

129667864389209142_1932011 2011 renewal prices for agricultural commodities bull market with 2010 year of the bull market of agricultural products.  As of end of the third quarter, integrated domestic agricultural products prices rose 20.52%, whole year is expected to gain around 15%. Despite agricultural product comprehensive rise for 2010 and 2011 close, but variety differences clearly. 2010 rose mainAre crops include food crops, cash crops, such as vegetables and fruits have larger increase, which topped 43% potato prices. 2011 crop prices have narrowed significantly, varieties such as potatoes, vegetables, fruit drop is large, but livestock and poultry, fish, meat prices rose relay, especially pork prices rose once more than 40% years, agricultural productsLargest driver of comprehensive price. Agricultural products prices at record highs as of end of the third quarter, various domestic agricultural prices at historically high levels. Mainly to domestic production of varieties, such as the three major food crops, such as meat, poultry and egg, prices are located on the vertex since 2004 while imports account for more than a large variety, such as soybeans, cotton, although the price has not reached its highest level,But also more close. Cash crop prices are expected to recall limited domestic cash crop planting area as a whole, as represented by the soybean and cotton, need to rely on a large scale imports, prices subject to international market a greater impact. Review since 2002, sugar cotton oil prices generally rose sharply after 1-2 year will usher in a 1-2-year period of stable or fall. So far oil, sugarHave risen even 2 years, cotton was 3 years in a row up sharply, taking into account cotton sown areas in the world this year looked sharp gained 11.2%, soybean sown area edged higher cent, domestic sugar cane acreage increased 5.5%, judge 2012 prices of sugar, cotton swtor power leveling, soybeans paring. Livestock and poultry meat prices into a downward cycle is in 2011 rising agricultural pricesThe biggest promoter, launched in June 2010, pork prices rally at the end of September this year, in 16 months, basically meet the rising cycle of time requirements. Considered stable feed prices and outbreak, reinforcing bar, ordered a series of positive factors, judging this pork prices rose cycle has ended, 2012 steady rise in the number of pigs,Pig prices into a downward cycle. This will ease the poultry meat, beef and mutton pork substitutes such as momentum. Investment advice 2010 crop planting stocks bull market prices brought 2011 meat prices bring culture plates of a bull market, 2012 narrowed rise in prices for agricultural commodities, will bring profit growth the company down the old republic power leveling, so does the industry boomDeclining. For this reason, we believe that the agricultural sector will be difficult to obtain the overall market, into structural opportunities, given the industry "synchronized" investment rating.  Risk massive outbreaks of pests and diseases; sudden inclement weather effects; petrochemical prices sharply higher and promote agricultural costs. (Specific content please see annex)

