
tera power leveling Jilani - NZB

129779512062031250_73Xinhuanet, Beijing, April 2 (reporter Zhang Minyan)-Hainan, Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2012 is held, attended Jilani, Prime Minister of Pakistan to accept a written interview with Xinhua, Asian economic and relations between China and Pakistan replied to questions raised. Below are interviews with key content: Reporter: Mr Prime Minister, this session of the Boao Forum for Asia is the theme of "change the worldAsia: towards a healthy and sustainable development ". Currently faces many uncertainties in the world economy tera gold, do you think the prospects for economic development in Asia? Pakistan economic development face what opportunity? Jilani: bright economic prospects in Asia. By 2050, the Asian economies have they want to take half of the world economy. But in order to meet the "Asian century", usTwo major challenges. First of all, we need to beware of the "middle-income trap". Secondly, we must enhance the economy's gold content. Now, Pakistan is facing very serious energy crisis. Since 2001, we have been suffering from international terrorism suffer from the consequences. To eradicate the terrorists, paid a heavy price in Pakistan, including loss of life, high financial expenditures.However, we did not back down, and people of Pakistan remain optimistic. Pakistan is a young, smart, vibrant country. Pakistan Government's efforts to maintain macro-economic stability, protect the underlying economy. Pakistan's growing energy needs, we're developing the hydro-electric power, and actively look for alternative energy sources. Reporter: the relations between China and Pakistan has passed more than more than 60The spring and Autumn period, today, the CMB has formed "around-the-clock" strategic cooperation partnership. In the current international environment, which of the do you think Pakistan should focus on areas of cooperation? You have any expectations on prospects for economic and trade cooperation between China and Pakistan? China, Pakistan's investment environment? Jilani: height of mutual understanding, trust and good neighborliness and friendship between China and Pakistan. Official and public interactive communicationFurther deepened the deep friendship of the two countries. Over the years, China's support for Pakistan's efforts to safeguard national independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity. Facing moments of crisis in Pakistan, China and Pakistan stand together, and support. * Bin Laden is killed and after NATO air strikes in Pakistan military checkpoint, China stands out in solidarity with us, terrorism in PakistanThe contributions made. In this regard, we are very grateful. Pakistan is particularly importance to deepen economic and trade cooperation with China, toward the goal of economic integration. We hope that CMB in agriculture, water resources, energy, mining, construction, railway infrastructure, safe and strengthen cooperation in areas such as relationships. Opening the door to Chinese investment in Pakistan, we will provide a premium discount to welcome Chinese friends involved inThe investment area. At this point, I invite friends to grasp the opportunity, to promote friendship between China and Pakistan building blocks for the benefit of the people of the two countries, creating a win-win situation. Reporter: with the deepening relationship between China and Pakistan, more and more Chinese people to invest in Pakistan. But not long ago, in the Pakistani city of Peshawar, a Chinese woman was shot and killed. Mr Prime Minister, will this caseInvestigation progress? Protect the physical safety and commercial security of Chinese nationals in Pakistan, what practical measures had been taken in Pakistan? Jilani: we will make the greatest efforts to take practical measures to protect the personal and property security of Chinese nationals in Pakistan. In this case also continues to investigate, we will go all out tera power leveling, access to justice, corrections crime. PakistanGovernment attaches great importance to Chinese investors to the safety issues, leveling the best resource to ensure a safe and secure. I once again to express our deepest condolences to the relatives of the victim. Pakistan resolutely eradicate the cancer of terrorism, will never make a handful of terrorists undermine the country's stability and development. All in all, proven clock friendship between China and Pakistan will never allow the damage. Reporter: PakistanMade a great contribution to international counter-terrorism, and paid a heavy price for this. You think, what are the greatest difficulties faced by Pakistan counter-terrorism? When usher victory? The international community can help in what way? Jilani: in 2001, joined at the beginning of the war on terrorism in Pakistan, one of the biggest difficulties is the public's enthusiasm for the war on terror is not high. On the fight for the hearts,As the Government of Pakistan had made significant achievements. Pakistan Government persuaded the majority of the people, for the country's future and the future of children, the fight against terrorism is necessary. The international community can help to enhance the combat capability of the security forces in Pakistan. In recent years, to fight terrorists, United States frequently launched drone air strikes in Pakistan, suffered heavy casualties, including a large number of freeGupingmin. Pakistan's Government and Parliament does not support United States drone air strikes, we have on many occasions reiterated that this was illegal and violated our sovereignty. United States drone air strikes will ultimately be counterproductive. Reporter: Pakistan and Syria are Islamic countries. How do you see the Syria Government faces crisis at the moment? Do you think what is the source of political instability in the Middle East? KatNepal: Pakistan on Syria human rights grim conditions and security concerns. We and Syria has a traditional history of friendship tera gold, so we hope that Syria people-led political process, inclusive and peaceful settlement of Syria crisis. We fully support Syria's unity, independence and territorial integrity. "Arab spring" since the onset of some countries in the Middle East has witnessedPolitical changes. However, the reason behind it is not national characteristics in the Middle East, there were more or less the same conditions in all countries of the world: poverty, unemployment, the gap, prices are soaring. Others:

