
tera power leveling 000 - HJI

129773903173906250_51Influenza into stronger peaks fire medicine "Stocks of influenza was significantly stronger yesterday, is likely to be under the influence of Guangzhou and other flu outbreaks, and afternoon the entire pharmaceutical sector strengthened, the pharmaceutical sector since May this year runs to lose substantially in other industries, ' fill up ' requirements. Influenza is expected to peak under fire, strength in the medical unit next will continue for some time. "Influenza into highPeaks of excitement, there is a "Supplement to rise" need stronger medicine yesterday observed, in this regard, industry analysts say, as the bad policies of successive falls, pharmaceutical stocks investment value already visible tera power leveling, influenza is expected to be in full swing under the stimulation of, pharmaceutical stocks following strong growth will continue for some time. Influenza into stronger peaks fire medicine yesterday, despite the huzhi gains but 0.05%, but unusually strong pharmaceutical stocks table. According to statistics, yesterday 2% pharmaceutical unit of more than 20 per cent. Among them, sources in Concord (600 tera gold,645) 8.33%, guoyao shares rose (600,511), rose 7.9%, pientzehuang (600,436) is up 7.09%. It is worth mentioning that, before the stronger medicine unit yesterday, stocks of influenzaTrends change, Rhine bio (002166) once straight try for more than 5%, Sea King biological (000078), Dyan gene (002030), four-loop bio (000518) also at one point a straight line, such as elevating more than 2%. "Stocks of influenza was significantly stronger yesterday, is likely to be under the influence of Guangzhou and other flu outbreaks, and afternoon throughout the medical boardStrengthened the pharmaceutical sector since May this year runs to lose substantially in other industries, ' fill up ' requirements. Influenza is expected to peak under fire, strength in the medical unit next will continue for some time. "Investment, securities investment adviser news reporters pointed out in an interview. , Director of the Guangdong provincial Center for disease prevention and epidemic prevention in the Jian-Feng he recently saidNow comes as peak influenza, flu outbreak in Guangdong Province has reached alert level, will continue to rise, is expected in May or June reached a peak. Experts said that in the past, the influenza peak until April, but in March this year has arrived in advance. Talking of influenza on stimulation of the medical unit had to be detonated to 2009 swine flu outbreak. On April 25, 2009World Health Organization announced that swine flu pandemic constitutes "impact international public health emergencies", the flu epidemic began to spread across the world. On the a-share market, the flu hype stocks was turbulent, where the "leader" Rhine bio (002166.SZ) even received five daily limit, shares soaring almost three months and gainedNear 300%. Essence securities chief analyst Lisa Zou said of the pharmaceutical industry, from the pharmaceutical sector valuations now pharmaceutical sector than the market (excluding financial services) valued at a premium has been adjusted to the decade-old value slightly below the location. At present, the valuation of stocks of medicine in 2012 in 20-25 times forward earnings range, two or three lines 2012 earnings of the pharmaceuticals unit 15-25 range, between 25-35% of growth of many high quality companies in 2012, investment value already. Since the negative policy towards the end of last year, pharmaceutical sector bad policy attacks, defending both plates had scenery infinite abandoned by funding, valuation and constantly moved down until February gradually out of its malaise. Compared with other industries, pharmaceuticalsBehind the industry's gains are ranked above since the beginning. Pharmaceutical industry researcher in Shenzhen venture capital firms, with the bad policies of successive falls, the policy-oriented price cycle has bottomed out signal. There are two main policy are waiting to be formally implemented, one is the method of flow rate control for differences, which used the reserve price agents marketing pattern of pharmaceutical enterprises have a certain impact IIIs antitumor drugs, blood products and digestive system, immune regulating drug drug four systems of "limit order" policies. However, on those two policies have been fully reflected in the market, the negative impact of policies on the industry towards the end. Qi Lu securities believes that healthcare reform on track, but the low price was taking patterns are expected to change: national generic drugs still to reach the international standard will be given pricingRights based medicine with an emphasis on quality first, avoid low-price competition; and high-value consumables centralized purchasing of drugs in hospitals; the next drug only low price is taken is expected to be contained to a certain extent, more in the future to promote should be of high quality and low price products, base medicine volume worth looking forward to. While the negative policies towards the end, positive policy on pharmaceutical unit movementsForming good. Such as, shortly before the State Council published "Twelve-Five" during the reform of medical and health system planning and the implementation of programmes, noting that Government health input growth rate higher than the rate of growth in recurrent expenditure, government investment in health gradually increase the proportion of total recurrent expenditure. In addition, the long term, as the country's aging process, medical expenses will be rendered more stableThe growth. Analysts told investment news reporter, with the State Council in the March 21 issue of the "Twelve-Five" during the deepening of the notice of the medical and health system planning and the implementation of programmes, national healthcare reform has entered the Sham Shui Po District, 35 new drug will continue to focus on health care, based on health reform as well as policy on public hospital reform in three main line, push, pharmaceutical quality enterprises will succeedBreak through. Data show that the 2011 China's pharmaceutical manufacturing sales revenue 1,452,205 tera power leveling,000,000 yuan, 29.37%, cumulative total profit 149.43 billion yuan, an increase of 23.5%. December monthly medical industry revenues, profits rose 26.7%, respectively. Fundamentals of pharmaceutical industry and can be seen withoutExcessive worrying deterioration in the market. "Unfavourable policy environment, 2011 pharmaceutical manufacturing industry still show high growth of strong demand. In 2012, although the medicine prices, the reform of public hospitals, uncertainty still exists Medicare payment reform policies, but policies in 2011 have been repeated in the making, market expectations for this has been more fully�� Pharmaceutical market 2012-year revenue and profit are expected to remain stable growth. "Lisa Zou said. Others:

