
tera gold domestic record corn prices from the peak down - BST

129770871324687500_59Xinhuanet, Beijing, March 24 (reporters Wang Shengxian and and Wu Yu)-this week (19th) into the adjusted commodity prices at home and abroad, rose fell much less. International crude oil still high shock, domestic record corn prices from the peak down tera power leveling, both at home and abroad have raised after inhibition by stronger oil oil adjustment. Short term, commodity cityUnknown direction, looking forward to macro-policies and guidelines on new economic data. As Greece second round of debt relief been resolved, temporarily fade out vision of the European debt crisis, most commodity gradually highlight the item property, global economic growth as new concerns in the market, especially China's GDP growth target lowered at one point the market worried about "China", the whole commodity market atmosphere。 In fact, China's economic growth has been reflected many industries such as iron and steel, textiles, cars, Bank recently announced March initial prediction of China's Manufacturing PMI fell to four-month lows, and dry below the watershed for the fifth consecutive month. At the same time, market research firm Markit eurozone March manufacturing purchasing managers ' index released under accidentsFell also aggravated the risk of recession in Europe, even months to a little better the United States sustained-release data is difficult to market worries about the global economic recovery. Putting pressure on concern on the overall trend of commodity markets, macro-economic ties more closely, such as non-ferrous metals and industrial slump, but international prices of crude oil in Iran and Western countries the situation with the support of the opposition runs high swtor credits,Especially Iran oil supply shocks to reduce fear a long time ago falling oil prices rebounding Friday, recovered most of the decline this week. As of Friday, respectively in New York, London oil prices closed at $ 106.87 and $ a barrel, little decrease in the week. In the Iran situation is gradually digested and under the background of and the manufacturing industry is in the doldrums, short-termOil prices volatile in the callback. National level, when the oil price increase, crude oil began to shock IAM petrochemical rose "emboldened". Adjustment of nonferrous metals, agricultural products were entered, grease and oil are more resilient, from specific varieties of corn suspended gained pace, week period price decreases of more than 1%. Spot market prices of maize in China runs strongBut market demand is not very impressive, narrow profits, demand for feed processing enterprises in the off-season, but this could not stop the pace of rising corn prices. Interim analysts in Beijing said Wang Yuhong, United States corn planting intentions report 30th come widely expected us corn acreage this year increase possible, or pressured the corn market, go long the driving force of the market do notBroken cut, continued weak as a whole to be big in the near future is expected, but the callback or limited space. Grease oil after first anti-Yang, is still in the stage of high. In speculation South American soybean production after the adjustment of short-term shocks to both inside and outside of soybean. More special meal, in the case of other fats oil fell, soybean meal prices rose more than 1%, but spot prices relatively stable, is expected toUnited States soybean planting intentions report released previously, markets or maintain a cautious wait-and-see attitude, adjustment of soybean meal also will enter the stage. Different from the shock drop in prices of non-ferrous metals, steel, coke is more resilient this week, coke, or even contrarian rose more than 1%. Analysts believe that the internal differentiation of industrial products was caused by different factors, non-ferrous metals by the outer disc andA greater impact of the global economy, demand for steel and coke by domestic policy and greater impact.  Key cities across the country this week screw-thread steel inventories continued to decline, is maintenance of Daqin line or be caused during coal tension such as factors for transport provided for the steel and Coke hyped stories better, but really warmed up to terminal needs such as real estate substantive improvement. Overall, inflationAnd under the dual pressure of falling economic growth, related data and macro-policy direction for the market. Business Chief Analyst Liu Xintian said that, although the commodities fell this week rose less tera gold, but given the rising variety of energy relating to people's livelihood, such as gasoline and diesel, conduction characteristics of its cost and its impact on the logistics chain is bound to transfer to industry and other industries in middle and lower,Other commodities will inevitably be affected, which will not only affect March CPI, will also affect the PPI to March or even in the second quarter, regardless of other factors, future commodity or will be affected by the cost-driven market. Others:

