
star wars credits Secretary of the original Lok Ma - NON

129770966743906250_124"' Shajingxinyian ' is under construction in Shenzhen City destroyed outside of triad infiltration in the territory since the development of the largest criminal gang", "local part of grass-roots cadres are corrosion and its collapse tera power leveling, to facilitate their snatch illegal activities of interest. "Yesterday, the Standing Committee of the Shenzhen Municipal Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Commission, the municipal Public Security Bureau and the city" built three two "Deputy Head of the leading groupLi Ming informed the five to ten times on the enlarged meeting of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC, Shenzhen Shenzhen "built three two" work, further disclosure of a manhole behind the black case in Shenzhen, introduced for the first time after the Lok Ma Sha Liu Shaoxiong Street Chief leaders of colluding with mafia gangs and bad influence. "Manhole Sun Yee on" Hong Kong "Sun Yee on" branch in manholes described Li Ming, after careful investigationInvestigate, and decisive strike in November last year, police detected a H2011024 the fight against mafia organizations of major projects (manholes black case), arrested in connection with the staff of 193, and seized 11 firearms, 37 rounds, k powder 35.5 kg of drugs seized, ice, 669, frozen assets worth more than $ 1 billion of seizure-related criminal gangs, involved in EnterpriseSome 44. Yesterday, Nanfang daily key disclosure manholes in Shenzhen black case, "manhole Sun Yee on" out of the dark corners, aroused widespread interest. Shenzhen, shajing Street is the Western economic hub, located in the North-Western District, and the East Bank of the Pearl River estuary. Street under the jurisdiction of 29 community-wide, with an area of 60 square kilometers with a population of about 1.3 million (of which registered population of 33,000)。 "This building of Shenzhen Municipal overseas combat since the development of triad infiltration in the territory's biggest typical criminal gangs. "According to Li Ming further disclosed at the meeting yesterday, sign of the Mafia organization called shajingxinyian, is Hong Kong 's" Sun Yee on "branch of the manhole," manhole Sun Yee on "nickname" Dragon, "Chen 垚dong, the leader level star wars credits,Hundreds of people, forming 5 levels of the pyramid-shaped structure. Introduction to Li Ming, "manhole Sun Yee on" around the manhole long entrenched, involving illegal construction, land transactions, taxi, transport, as well as bottled water, gas and so on all aspects, involving economic interests, they must intervene or monopoly, protection rackets, "there is no (protection money) you wouldn't, orKill kill. "Li Ming yesterday disclosed for the first time a black behind the case investigating the ins and outs of manholes. He describes, manhole is always most notably Shenzhen law and order, in high incidence area in criminal cases, police repeatedly does not control. The manhole black starting from former Secretary of public security of the Li Ming Li Feng, in 2006 started investigation, then found this to Chen 垚dongFirst Mafia organization. But the police have not been hand suffers from hard to find evidence, until the 2011 master hard core evidence taken decisive measures to destroy the group. Part of grass-roots cadres were smashed by corrosion-related organizations to provide easy "even worse part is the Mafia has infiltrated the Organization to local grass-roots cadres, to corrosion and collapse. These grass-roots cadres in a manholeSun Yee on engaging in illegal activities to facilitate providing protection for seizing illegal gains. "Li Ming to the outside world for the first time disclosed the mafia organizations and officials of the local part of the grass-roots level. On February 9, shajing Street, Baoan district, Shenzhen Liu Shaoxiong swtor credits, Secretary of the original Lok Ma, Chief of the construction of the original Street Office Chen Junwei has been controlled. People familiar with the matter said before, Liu Shaoxiong power manholes for many years, and the black old"Dragon 's" relationship "trap" too deep. Li Ming yesterday, police reports and rigorous investigation pursuant to the masses, has seized Liu Shaoxiong, Liu Shaoxiong was currently subject to, and have been referred to the public prosecutor's Office, and the "Dragon" and others, has been transferred to the legal procedure, carried out by the Court judgment. Just because of some grass-roots cadres and worked closely with the Mafia organization, Li Ming, shajingxinyian in a manholeIllegal construction of mass construction, "the size of building, theft of State assets, the number of collective assets, manipulation of scale of bad, heinous". "After the knock, the entire situation on the ground better. "Introduction to Li Ming, manholes in November to now criminal cases dropped significantly, police received thanks from the villagers and foreign businessmen. In mid-February, shajingwanfeng community residentsSpontaneous discharge of fireworks, celebrating Liu Shaoxiong and in connection with the "Dragon" was arrested. "Manhole black case, for we in the West building of Shenzhen has a stable and a good environment. It gives us inspiration, many problems have deeper issues, does not solve the problem, in order to allow the SAR law and order in areas beyond good, it will be hard. Source solves the problem, other problems solved. "Summary of Li Ming. (AccountabilityEdit: Song Yuxin) Others:

