
swtor credits 000 yuan. Strawberry growing well - ZJM

129771823076812310_17 <a href="http://www.power-leveling-service.com/tera">tera power leveling</a>A village Bank, 4 years for 971 households, and 228 families loans to agricultural enterprises "our strawberries in this year's World Conference on strawberries, took several medals!  "On March 12, the White House I saw along the road uniform, Changfeng County, Hefei, Anhui Province water's huzhen farmer Li Dianjin smile bright. Li Dianjin 38 years old with 20Who for many years, until 3 years ago, to taste the taste of the farm. In 2008, he started planting strawberries on its own two acres of land, to borrow on credit unions, loan only found three people of UNPROFOR to 3,000 yuan. Strawberry growing well, unexpectedly, a heavy snow down the bamboo canopy, fold a hard year. 2009 Li Dianjin considering building steel frame shed, inquiries,A shed more than 5,000 yuan, funding is not enough, only to take, "$ 3,000 was too small.  "Li Dianjin has said nothing to credit unions. At this juncture, Li Dianjin has joined Dr Strawberry cooperatives, cooperatives can guarantee bank loans for him, Li Dianjin provides identity cards, accounts, keeps the House loan to $ 30,000. He updated the shedEquipment, expanded the acreage this year, Li Dianjin earned more than 40,000 yuan, after debt, he took out $ 50,000. Like a snowball, and now he has planted more than 20 acres of Strawberry, earning more than 300,000 yuan. "To say thanks diablo 3 power leveling, first to thank the source Bank.  "Li Dianjin laughs. Li Dianjin branch source said the Bank was founded in February 2008, the firstVillage banksAnd Chairman, looking for loans, but because the asset-backed issues, many were refused loans of commercial banks.  Last by security companies linked to the source Bank, loans to $ 1 million. "4 years, our cumulative 971 households, and 228 families farming enterprises agricultural loans, accounted for about 95% of the loan amount. "Source Liu Xianghua, Bank Governor says。 Encourage loan officers go to the farms to lenders, providing services for farmers in the eyes of Liu Xianghua, Keyuan started well, $ 100 million equity gold country music at the time. More important is that source's largest shareholders"Agriculture development, bright lights, and has a wealth of experience. Urgent demand for loans for farmers, agricultural businesses, Keyuan launched several products: "company base farmers" mode on the basis of established farmers ' loan backed by the company's new links of interest, stimulate the development base and farmers; promotion of composed of small business loans Association, currently 21 small companies TrojanLend $ 23.8 million; first offered in the city's forestry property and mortgage loans, mortgage loan provided for forestry enterprises, develop agricultural and forestry 11.41 million Yuan; design "farmer special cooperative bank group lending warranty households" five-in-one pattern, meet farmers ' cooperatives of farmers capital needed. Master Fung cooperatives Conference room on the walls, in a peasant household andKeyuan village banks signed photo of the first loan. "At the Bank when you get, we do not believe that, at the time the loan money lent, the source account manager visited four times, we believe there really such a good thing. "Changfeng Shuo Li y, President of Strawberry combined with specialized cooperative laughs:" now we Changfeng Strawberry has played across the country playing, it can be said that 90% Of households have been the source of help. "Source for strawberry growers to create a" credit insurance "of loans through business, through cooperation with state farm insurance, in addition to loans to farmers, providing liability insurance, effective transfer of farmers ' risk. "Not once in a natural disaster, our Strawberry high-yield income, even if experiencing natural disasters, insurance companies help us pay, can avoidRisk.  "Li Yang said. "Straw sandals we do banking, loan officers are encouraged to the farms to lenders, visit from door to door to understand loan farmer before and after loan development and needs of farmers, shoes were covered with mud. "In order to provide the farmer with a good loan, sources using the" reverse "reward approach, farmers ' loan of $ 100,000 or more, every single incentive loan officers $ 50,$ 100,000 reward $ 100; group guarantee loan, more than NT $ 100,000 reward loan officers $ 120, $ 100,000 bonus $ 150. Source one bank official said: "it also optimized the structure of credit, reducing credit risk, our agriculture-related bad loans ratio is zero. "Source village banks profits have been growing steadily, 2011Profit of $ 30 million. Today, the source branch has developed from one to 4, serves over Changfeng 14 1 development zone in villages and towns. "Take root in rural areas, flexible mechanisms, close protection of products and services is the source of profit.  "Liu Xianghua says. Financial strength thin, limited brands, deposit-taking stress, supporting village banks service ""Agriculture, also need to empower it is understood that by the end of 2011, new rural financial institutions in the country has constituted 786, village banks of which 726, loan company 10, rural capital credit union 50, the loan balance is 131.6 billion yuan, with farmers ' loan balance is 43.55 billion yuan. Development initially aimed to open funds village banks in agriculturalVillage of channels, activating rural financial markets. Feng Qingshui said the Anhui agricultural University, Department of Finance Director, commercial financial institutions, large numbers of withdrawal and business networks in rural areas, led to the weakening of the financial guarantee for the construction of agriculture in China.  And with the nation's policy to promote, banks have sprung up out of towns and villages, which supports "farmer" is a good thing. "However, the financial capital and agricultural production, But have has a natural contradiction. Town and village banks in rural areas tied to get good, there are many problems to be solved. "Feng Qingshui said," the pursuit of maximizing the financial capital itself is nature, and China's agricultural production there was insufficient collateral, determine return on risky, long production cycles, lower profits, weakness, which implies the loan risks. "Source village silverPart of row data is revealing, in 2011, Keyuan loan customers in the top ten, not including Anhui Changfeng farming technology limited, none of the other agricultural enterprises, farmers and "return only up to around 20% per cent of our profits. "Liu Xianghua admitted:" we are yigongbunong small, strong to weak supplement, tonic, make up for a crop failure with a bumper harvest strategy. ”Reporter learned that, village banks to set up time is short, faced financial strength thin, factors such as the lack of network coverage, limited brands, generally face a large deposit-taking pressure of the challenge. In the eyes of Feng Qingshui, village gives private capital investment in Bank of financial channels, village banks will develop faster in the future, but after private capital into the Bank, can notActive support "three agriculture", is still a question mark. "Dwindling profit if the main supply swtor credits, then the Bank will also continue to support ', farmers '?  "Feng Qingshui recommendations, village Bank risk prosecution and commercial sustainable operations, relevant departments of the need to provide further support, such as tax incentives and financial support, and so on. Liu XianghuaRecommendations for "farmer" loan risk, countries could consider the establishment of loan-loss compensation fund, give the Bank a certain proportion of the loan-loss compensation, so as to encourage more financial institutions to focus on agriculture. Others:

