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129771675255156250_33Our reporter, Dong Jun Beijing "in the past few years, radio and television are the reserve energy. 10-15 years in the future, will be the development of radio and TV stages. "Gao Wen, academician, Member of the National Committee of the Chinese Academy of engineering in CCBN (China International exhibition of broadcast and television information network) this feeling on the Forum.  Not every wish of radio and TV? WatchTelecom growing, new technology, new media changing the industry landscape, but consolidation within the broadcasting system and the slow pace of reforms, and Telecom growing gap. Each year, CCBN is always a lot of new hotspots, OTT (no on-demand Internet TV), social TV, 3D TV, become the new focus for this year. But in the face of these new applications, andNew focus system need no longer blindly pursued, but changes in thinking, starting from the user's point of view its landing.  Radio and TV people way of thinking needs to start from the competitive to the fusion, the transition from television to the Internet. Reflections on network-building arms race radio and TV industry now needs to answer viewers and TV, TV users what level or what's the difference between needsAs machines, what business is required for transmission by cable, TV consumption psychology how to constitute a basic proposition of users in the future. On the two sessions at the just-concluded, Minister of the Ministry of Miao Wei said, the Ministry on the "Twelve-Five" period a comprehensive plan of development of broadband, broadband strategy in China rose to the national level, there are already more mature propulsion programme. In this partyIn the case, through the "light copper back" promotion of optical fiber and cable, broadband infrastructure development construction.  My broadband speed goals are: to the end of 2015, urban family Internet bandwidth up to 20M, Internet bandwidth 4M rural families. In 2011, China Unicom (microblogging), China Telecom (micro-blogging) has in some major cities starting broadband lLevel, many users in Beijing and Shanghai, have enjoyed a free upgrade to 10M or 20M of bandwidth. Accordingly, radio and television systems in the three years before the upgrade to the NGB (next generation of cable TV network), bandwidth up to 30M now, future and even up to hundred trillion. By 200 million cable television subscribers throughout the country, and NGB network construction with a total investment of more than 300 Yuan, stimulating industrial development played a huge role.  Network upgrade at the same time promoting interactive TV diablo 3 gold, HD TV, gaming, news, three interactive screens and fast development of new video applications such as targeted advertising. Not only are spectacular to upgrade the cable network, radio and TV are starting to consider wireless network access. "In the field of telecommunications, every operationDealers have their own mobile network, while the radio and television rely solely on their own cable network. If not for cable, wireless and satellite development radio, just based on the cable joined triple strength is not enough.  "China's cable television network said during a General Manager Shen Xiangjun CCBN. On the premise of triple play, telecommunications, radio and television are looking to greatly expanded their networkCollateral to facilitate more business, a network of arms game open early. As the first pilot, NGB demonstration network in Shanghai has been put into operation in late 2011, 30 channels back to 5 days, video on demand, recording, playback, Mall of water, gas, pay TV, TV, television, many new businesses have opened, including banks. Found in the trial but, apart from looking backAnd video-on-demand, pay for the convenience, interactive Centre, TV financial and many other features, users don't buy it, either the payment of electricity and gas or the shopping, using television to transfer, doesn't feel safe, are not used. Television users to accept new things slow group of middle-aged and elderly users and revenue is not very high, Gehua cable Luo Xiaobu, Deputy General Manager, as saying: "Telecom usersHigh end groups, TV users are vulnerable groups ". "NGB was last year out of the fog, this year is in the cloud. Up to now, all NGB scheme are very beautiful, but no features. "Robert the younger Bush belonging to the radio and TV industry in the" pragmatic ", he advocated the NGB's development must not be used" all-out war thinking "because the radio and television industries than telecommunications, user base is weak,National development is uneven, and there was a strong "peasant consciousness". "Cable industry today needs to answer several fundamental propositions: differences between viewers and TV users; users what level or what TV need TV; what are the business needs for transmission through the cable line; as a TV user, consisting of consumer psychology in the future is how to。  "Triple play researcher Wu Chunyong believed that only through this series of problem solving, TV broadcasting system to actually found the user's needs. New triple play trends of thought must have been moving in the direction of diversification and enrichment of the terminal development, so not too many tangled on competition in local business. Fusion is not competitive with alternative, but different ways: Different routes. CCBN opening keynote each year almost all by the State Administration Deputy Director Zhang Haitao at opening, Zhang Haitao speech focused on in the past few years is the reform of radio and TV, CATV network reform, consolidation, and other topics. The keynote of this year had a lot of changes, from China Radio International Director Wang Gengnian on "understanding and exploration of media". PastSpeech, radio and television system is a subject, what to change more on radio and TV, and this is a speech to talk about industry how to change and how fusion radio, how to adapt to change. In fact, this is the triple play with the push of radio, thinking is undergoing fundamental changes. "In the traditional media and new technologies, blend together under the background of new channels, as traditional mediaShould have a rethink.  "Wu Chunyong said. Under the impact of new media, traditional television production, the themes, and the users and other links are faced with tremendous challenges. Traditional channel user is loss of Terminal diversification, including mobile phone, Tablet PC, have been influenced by changing of all the ages, so that younger audiences are flowing to the network tera gold, it is an indisputable fact thatTV switch on the rate be a very big problem. During the NPC, spokesman for the State administration of Zhu Hong said: "new media is important for future development of radio, film and television projects, radio and TV to traditional media, transform and upgrade traditional industry to accelerate the development of new media and new business. "Radio and TV have to transition as a new direction for media operators. This represents radio and TVWild change was only staring at himself, then stared at the competition (Telecom), now finally learn how to "look ahead". Triple play has been proposed for ten years, both broadcasting and telecommunications in one's heart, integration refers to the bi-directional access of more, that is, enter each other's business fields. Naturally, relations between the two sides is competition, alternative. This is progress of network convergenceThe root causes of slow. "In this era of advances in information transmission channels, and not only radio and television networks, telecommunications network, Internet competition and fusion of these three Web, enhanced and updated in the future, more cost-effective information transfer channels in appropriate technology and industry driven by chain will certainly arise.  "Analysis of Wu Chunyong road. Although the "competition"So there, but with the new technologies and new applications of rapid updates, in the reform of radio and TV in continuous trial-and-error, finally got to experience the real meaning of integration: triple play trends must be moving in the direction of diversification and enrichment of the terminal development, so not too many tangled on competition in local business. From the perspective of a degree, who mastered the user, who mastered the user data and user, Triple play, and who will be the future of mobile Internet industry chain leader.  Fusion is not competitive with alternative, but different routes. Zhao Zhifeng, Deputy Chief Executive of China DTV media group in an interview with the China business reporter who suggested that broadcasting and telecommunication should not only look at each other's existing business, but towards the front, both telecommunications networks and in the radio and television network, Essentially the information infrastructure.  Should grasp the trend of digitalization, information, expanding the Delta. Deputy General Manager Xia Xiaohui of China network television in an interview with reporters, said: the traditional media has always been traditional thought, and on the business operation, management style, work style must learn from Internet companies. He cited two examples, such as Internet usersFirst philosophy, educational users of traditional media and Internet companies are centered on user experience.  Then like an open mind, Internet companies pay attention to the opening, with a variety of excellent companies, while traditional media is more arrogant, has a single frame of mind. Luo cloth each time you talk to Apple, "radio people should keep in mind that Apple's motto: simplicity is King, and experience toShang, focused on winning. "Background news broadcasters faced challenges from the telecommunication network for next generation network in April 2010, the Ministry of industry and information technology in the opinion on promoting the construction of fiber optic network request" to be fully aware of the importance of construction of fiber optic network, speed up the network construction ". The opinion explicitly, by 2011, cities usersAccess capacity averaged 8M, rural users access capability averaging 2 m, goals reached. In 2012, starting "broadband in China" strategy to the effect that with a few years on China's Internet speed "prices accelerate". The project implemented by the Ministry, and financial support for national policies, accelerate the speed of 3G and fiber optic broadband network development, extend coverage criterionWai.  Towards the end of 2015, urban household bandwidth of 20 megabytes or more, family of 4 trillion or more in rural areas, family of provincial capital cities in the developed areas in the eastern reaches 100 MB. In 2012, to speed, wide spread in China, Hui Minsheng, lowering prices to target, implement broadband Internet speed-raising project. At the same time, continue to promote the establishment of universal service funds, implement in depth-passCountryside village project and information activities. Continue to promote the TD-LTE development, industrialization and expanding testing.  Should actively promote the development of next generation Internet evolution, small scale commercial IPv6 trial, exploring the formation of mature business models and technological evolution line. As part of the concrete implementation, such as the Beijing Unicom (micro-blogging) from March 1, step by step on NorthBeijing, China Unicom's network-wide broadband customers free speed increase, the speed includes all broadband ADSL and LAN network users in the network. After speed increase, original 512K speed increase speed increase for 1M,1M user 2M,2M user speed increase speed-speed of 20M for 10M diablo 3 gold,4M/8M users, but some customers need to complete fiber entrance after renovation in order to enjoy the 10M broadband speedRate. Beijing Telecom also from February 17, 512K, and 1M three-shift rate of home broadband speed officially completed, after speed increase and speed-512K, 1M up to 2M,2M speed to 4M, rate family of Beijing Telecom wide band all reached the level of 2M and above, 4M speed broadband speed for free and above work will start in the near future. Others:

