
wot power leveling Zhang chunxian said - EAF

129756477760625000_13 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.co.uk/world-of-tanks/">wot power leveling</a>The morning of March 7, five plenary session of the national people's Congress meeting of Xinjiang delegation was open to the media, attract a large number of reporters to the scene to interview. After the meeting, the CPC Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Party Committee Secretary Zhang chunxian, surrounded by reporters. Du Yang's photography in the new reporter in new Beijing, March 7 (reporter Peter Cheng) 7th morning session of the national people's Congress wot power leveling, held five meetings in Xinjiang group open dayAfter the national people's Congress, the CPC Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Party Committee Secretary Zhang chunxian was more than more than 80 media containment. At a press conference, "siege" of 11 minutes, Zhang chunxian said: "for the terrorist violence in Xinjiang not Shi Renzheng, I hope everyone can understand. Future together, resolutely crack down together, solve one, must not allow their knives at ourChildren of women and children world of tanks power leveling, and align our people, alignment of our innocent people. "Zhang chunxian said that the current situation in Xinjiang is stable, is confident for the future development in Xinjiang. Last year and the recent "7*18", "7*30", "7*31", "2*28" violent terrorist incidents, seem to be a lot has happened, those associated with international background isWith the "three forces", around the situation, world terror situation that could have a direct and indirect relationships. He said that these violent terrorists, we should not take a normal argument to gather that they, their is not a religious issue, not a national issue, but against humanity as the basis, brutally violent and terrorist cases, they can even for the elderly, women and childrenGot a hand under, these terrorists want to face them in an objective manner. He stressed that: "these things happen, there is no impact on Xinjiang, is to prove that the present situation in Xinjiang is good because these bad guys, violent reactionary opinions not in Xinjiang's development. "A reporter asking questions about how to deal with dimensional stability and human rights issues, Zhang chunxian said:" stability and human rights are twoRead, known as dimensional stability is to maintain social order, combating violent terrorists is another question, we more is to respect the human rights of the people, people living in democracy, freedom, the rule of law in society. "Finally, Zhang chunxian, special emphasis, stress is now anti-storm in Xinjiang, said the rule of law, said order. (End)

