
world of tanks power leveling aerospace defense industry chain better - WLJ

129756542941562500_1181, under the influence of bad news from overseas, on Wednesday in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock index to maintain weak, weak rebound. Huzhi GATT and 20th averages fell below the 2,400-point integers, intraday rebound just turned red, closed down 0.65%, sold for $ 91.73 billion, representing a contract 9% on Tuesday; shenchengzhi trend of slightly stronger than huzhi, closing above still stand at the high level, intraday rally broke through the 5th line and10th line, closed down 0.39%, sold for $ 85.32 billion, representing a contract 7% on Tuesday; small means the strongest, impact once in half a year line, closed up slightly by 0.09%; decreased slightly by 0.21% gem, is still standing at the line in the 20th. From the message view, domestic news mostly positive, such as the official stance of the CBRC will co-ordinate research banking capital market;Minister of Commerce Chen Deming said about 10% of foreign trade growth target is achievable this year; Central Bank despite a 28 day repo operations 30 billion yuan, but this week's open market maturity amount to $ 63 billion, remained intent of funding moderately loose more visible; interbank market overnight repo rate the record since May 9, 2011 close10-month low, showing short-term funds more lenient. However, due to investors in the Greece debt crisis fears impact of overnight European and us stock markets received fell sharply, and judging from the graphics, the Dow has done head suspects, led a-shares weakness. In addition, HKEx will be listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange on Friday, while a shares in circulation is not a lot, but total shares 16.425 billion shares, the PangSo listing also put little pressure on investor psychology. 2, from the technical point of view wot power leveling, both Shanghai and Shenzhen stock index on Wednesday in long SFG CGV young-Yang cross star closed, shrinking slightly in trading volume, heavy selling pressure above the display, rebound momentum is relatively low, overall is clearly vulnerable. From the k-line group, and fell after two days, small cross star Yang on Wednesday is more like aA decrease of resistance. From the time, and double turn of the spiral cycle is a cycle of cycles on Thursday, is the most important turning point this week, was huzhi dropped below pre-wedge tracks under the 3rd day, it is worth focusing on. If there is no strong rebound to repair the track, you can confirm that this breakthrough for effective breakthroughs, dash does not inspire optimism. However, the view from space, huzhi half line currentAt the 2,367, is short of strong support, so, even if adjustments wot power leveling, this stabilisation may be relatively large, should not be too pessimistic. From the SG-star security services expert, huzhi on Wednesday continued to run under Operation Lifeline, lifeline of next 3 day at 2,465, in turn, 2,435 points, remains high, is expected to continue to adjustThe whole. Lifeline's low point in 2,372 point in the future, just half a year near the line, prompting the point stronger support. 3, seen from the side, building energy efficiency, commercial, aerospace defense industry chain better, bad tendency of rare earth permanent magnet, gold and other metals. Building 6th say, this year the development of architectural energy-saving "Twelve-Five" special planning. After the news that, "12Five "green building new towns and rural areas during the period of 1.1 billion square meters, on 570 million square metres of building energy-saving reconstruction, and new buildings in cities and towns with effect from 2017 all implementing green building standards, under the influence of this message, 002178 China smart extensions world of tanks power leveling, 600,590 tellhow technology, large group and other companies that deal with building energy efficiency trends more, You can continue to focus on. Suning appliance positioned to target the "Wal-Mart Amazon" mode, vigorously into the e-commerce channel SUNY-purchase this year, according to the plan, 2012 from Tesco to achieve sales goal of $ 30 billion, suning appliance surge has led commercial chain of strength in the sector, you can keep track. Clear military spending rose on the back of strength in the aerospace industry,As one of the hot spots in the near future, must observe. Resource stocks can fall out of the opportunities will be needed to see while walking. 4, operation strategy: from the 2478.38 point of this wave of adjustments, if adjusted to six lines near 2367.43, which is probably around 100, from the current level and then fell by about 30 points, expected short-term adjustment of space is limited. On the policy, under the wavesAfter the fall, not pessimistic for the time being, in view of the medium-term trend of looking forward to, light positions investors can focus on the early plate, a unit of re-analysis, is killed by wrong variety closely, and opportunities at the formation of, will not be missed. On the operation, waiting for the index to go steady, you can buy low sell high. (Shandong SG) au online statement: Gold-line reproduced above, notThat confirmed that the description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk.

