
tera gold this was an error of judgement. Jiang Sheng Yang - FTX

129756477768281250_33Ping Do: General Beijing does not knows doctrine, eager for positions wrong sentenced to overall ginger sound field: we continues to current affairs perk under, Russia President election in yesterday dust falls will, Putin to nearly 64% of was votes rate, get has Russia of President throne, in he came to announced won and thanks supporters of when, has a little of details was unlimited of zoom tera gold, that is General Beijing tears has, andThe details were explained by amplification of the major media, and different opinions, exactly what is the cause? Many explanations, which one would you accept it? We take a look at Internet users, we do vote, vote of Internet users feel that 69% considered to be winning, think the usher in a difficult 8%, snow fell in crumpled sheets or eye surgery, and so on, almost 1% onlyHero tears 13.6%, most people think is Putin. Let us look at an Internet message "Putin because he no longer is 12 years ago, leadership has also changed the nature of the country, so it's a fear of stepping down, results were elected half excited, half of remorse". Good, du, Putin why shed tears, I think only Putin himselfIndividuals known or behind his team, number of explanations were introduced, but I think the most important thing is, why so many politicians in the podium, statement, apologies, tears, and even kneel pictures we've all seen, Putin tears why infinite zoom in? Putin won the election why don't cry r. Dubin: tears is because Putin, Putin in the past does not believe in tears,He tears up this time public, shed tears for the first time, seen on occasion in public, so people on the news, coupled with Russia now Council, and a variety of more, including whether this election fraud, what about cases of fraud, election is fair, and so on, you can always against that backdrop, tears he explained a bit more. YesterdaySee United Kingdom the guardian referred to the possibility of five, one of them is not easy to win, opponents never thought time over the past few months, who opposed him so much, and his popularity is so high now that look like, feel very sad, man tears do not flip, may really hurt. There is also a more interestingHe quoted Russia's own media coverage, over time, they found Putin's face suddenly changes. Jiang Sheng Yang: bags gone. Du Ping: bags under no, Crow's feet, had to cheek-also worn away, until he once again said, we take a look at photos is indeed a changed, says operation does not succeed, tears of the wind will come down.There is also a is the Kremlin's explanation, his spokesman for this thing really came forward to explain, because in the cold weather, wind flow of tears. But anyway, I believe it is because the first possibility quite large, because his election this time, under all kinds of pressure and even suspicion or smear by Western countries, and so on, he doesn't recognizeVery unfair to him, feel very aggrieved, finally this day that breath is finally out, I won. Jiang Sheng Yang: you believe that such an explanation? Du Ping: I believe the explanation, he in the past few months, relatively depressed before the election, so many countries and so many Western leaders did not accept him. Jiang Sheng Yang: do you not think it is possible that he was doing aThe political show because in the past when he was President of the two, the kind of tough means, up to now in this day and time, as a leader called, is different from the past, not a hero, so he wants to cry down gestures, help him next in power, whether this be? Du Ping: this possibility is taken into account, I hope pujingnengHeard enough of your suggestions, but I estimate that, at that time still a cry of the heart, now appears after the elections began to March, cities marched against him came out, United States now stand quite interesting. China stance is the most positive and the fastest in the world, Hu Jintao President by a congratulatory message, EU funded States of countries maintain a more balanced,Admitted that he was elected, on the other hand also hard to say, you are the future of the ruling was political modernization, to reform, not, although many also on the election are not too satisfied with the place, United States best spokesman, spokesman for the State Department. Jiang Sheng Yang: up to now there are no congratulatory. Du Ping: of course not congratulatory tera gold, United States was looking forward to tilting PanBecause opposition forces now do not trust him, or is not satisfied until he felt that things would also like to take a step back, slowly settled only after he took office, the United States is, comparative insurance for him. But still hold an expectation, I want him to step down, not elected, hold on this desire to make policy statements, fact-basedSpeaking, United States for Putin's attitude is the most obvious. Jiang Sheng Yang: do you think how big is the possibility of tilting Pan? Du Ping: impossible, of course, in Russia the country, Putin in particular is so strong, and can say all's case, how do we may be tilting pan, is not going to happen. Jiang Sheng Yang: he corrected it now appears is certainly possible, isCertain things will happen, he has to face the next challenge should be more difficult, what do you think of. First, Russia domestic, for his popular how to improve people's livelihood, how to face the wave of opposition, and so on, what challenges he faced? Du Ping: I think Putin was gone at this stage, although the election can be said that more and more people do not acceptHe continued in power, why go to this step today, judge the situation with him, to the judgment of public opinion, might be a little difference, or judge of capable, probably could have passed, for what? Because he has always maintained that in the past Russia people speak, he was Russia (in English), you get so much public support under the conditions of, he always believed in you powerHow long does, so people will support you, bad judgement, his biggest problem might be in this place, no one else will do and that's that, Russia cannot do without me, so now this, again by way of amending the Constitution, so that you have in the third when the President. From the perspective of traditional Chinese culture tera gold, it is a taboo, we say with China in the pastSo, to explain psychological term for Putin, that do not make potential, will bring the best of the curse to, your power not to make too, completely breaks you certainly will after a disaster, also confirmed the problems facing Putin now. Jiang Sheng Yang: extremes. Du Ping: Fu is not subjected to, was the margin of solitary, because solitary means you will be isolated, like thisXia, and also has rules not line do, line do is thing will propagation, is for General Beijing, to Constitution modified has yihou on modified rules did, modified rules repair more has yihou course members is annoying, that is General Beijing on many of, like is China of doctrine, we can explained so a, he does not knows doctrine, also does not knows like its copies or is room, or is anxiousFlow back, or go too far, do not exist in his possession. So he has the strength of character that he can always control the overall situation, this was an error of judgement. Jiang Sheng Yang: from Russia above the general election, we learned an important trip of Chinese course, thank you, Duke, and advertising in the US, we more concerned about the United States and Israel on Iran? TheMember of the audience, a break, back continued to lecture on current affairs.

