
wot power leveling the "two sessions" mentioned in the report - KEG

129756542919375000_60Shenyin wanguo: limited deceleration of GDP growth expected destruction ⊙ Institute of Shen Yang Xiaokun GUI haoming 0 edit a few days ago, a focus of market opinion is what is called the "two sessions", many investors hope for the "two sessions" to a given stock market has been rising, and then the fire further up more space. Special statistics since 2000Stock market performance, found in 12 years was held in the "two sessions" in March, rose probability close to 60%. This further enhanced the good "two sessions" of confidence, think when markets appear very well up. However, the reality was a bit surprising. The "two sessions" after the first day, stock indices short chonggao began to drop in the future, the next dayMore is a relatively big callback, 5 days and 10 days cable is cracked. Why is this kind of counterproductive situation? Because through the "two sessions" report on investors for an economic slowdown is expected to improve, this stock market rally constituted some sort of suppression. Report says, 2012 the GDP growth rate was 7.5%,CPIAbout growth control in 4%, Delta is of broad money 14%. GDP growth is less than 8% for the first time in 8 years, which is considered to be abandoned in China adhere to the years of the "eight" strategy, and gains control of the 2011 unity of purpose of the CPI, 2% broad money incrementally over the plan. Obviously, these data show that aEconomic growth has slowed. Although before that everyone on the Chinese economy will bid farewell to "high growth and low inflation" mode to be prepared, but is a beneficiary of this model, or do you want this model can be extended as much as possible inside. So now to see economic growth to decline, and the inflation-control target unchanged currency investing is still tight, so inevitably produceSome kind of lost. This economic slowdown expected, reflected in the stock market. Naturally raises the market adjustment. What's more, the index is just to break up, or lizuweiwen, is also very vulnerable to downward adjustments at this time. So, how big is this adjustment should be wot power leveling, or how much slowdown is expected to mass destruction, is it will end the rally? On thisA problem can be analyzed from the following aspects. First, the economic slowdown is expected on the matters in question in itself, last year's "Twelve-Five plan", in relation to economic growth target set at 7%. Just last year the annual target is still 8%. This also means that, if the "Twelve-Five plan" is not adjusted, so several years after economic growth will further put down。 Therefore, this year's economic growth rate in 7.5%, is natural. Also, as broad money in increments of 14%, which has in fact announced 1 month ago world of tanks power leveling, although lower than last year's schedule, but it was higher than last year's actual data. Therefore, from this point of view, the slowdown was envisaged did not suddenly now, is not a new account, but as early asReality exists and, secondly, 7.5% is also a very high growth rate of economic growth, and in favour of the industrial structure adjustment; and the control of the CPI target is set to 4%, provides scope for resources price reforms, contribute to sustainable economic development; incremental generalized currency is 14%, raises the Fund use efficiency is taken into account to avoid currencyPut on the request. China is already a measure of money invested in the world's largest country wot power leveling, simply put on the road for money to sustain economic growth, it is difficult to continue. Integrated these points of view, the "two sessions" mentioned in the report, are on China's economic situation and the development of an objective and sober analysis and arrangement itself is focusing on the long-term and stable development of the economy, but alsoOn stock market fundamentals continue to get strong upward against the background of good support. If the analysis of the national "two sessions," impact on the stock market, probably mainly from this perspective. Since the "two sessions," the passing of information is not bad, and so-called slowdown expected is already exists, then the valuation based on repair and adjustment of the rally,So also did not come up, Outlook should also have a corresponding rise in space. And these days the adjustment occurs, should be supported near the 20-day moving average. Benefit adjustments conducive to digestion, further strengthening the Foundation, and conducive to the hot spots of mining market operations. But all of them, be beneficial to future prices rise further. (Shanghai Securities News) gold online statements: Gold-line reproduced above, does not show confirmed its description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk.

