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129668659911250000_23George Clooney as Berlusconi's sex scandal case witnesses George Clooney and ex-girlfriend Yi Li shabeita・kanalisi old photos. (A) NetEase entertainment on November 27, according to foreign media reports, wanrenmi Hollywood actor George Clooney (George Clooney) and ex-girlfriend Yi Li shabeita・kanalisi (Elisabetta Canalis) has recently againNow grab headlines, but not for the two to composite, but because Italy, former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi (Silvio Berlusconi) sex scandal. In fact, George Clooney and his ex-girlfriend, together with more than 200 people into Italy of former Prime Minister eyewitness to the scandal. In March of this year it's former loverIncluded in the list of potential defence witnesses, the local time on November 23, Milan local court has accepted the list of witnesses, this also means that Clooney and kanalisi are officially recognised as a witness. The allegations of sexual scandals Italy Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi before having sex with underage prostitutes in 2010 deal. Which he was 17 years old actress claims thatAt the party in Berlusconi's residence last year, has seen Clooney and kanalisi. Party locations close to Clooney in Italy Lake Como homes. However, Clooney insists he has worked with Berlusconi's Fete star wars the old republic power leveling, but not in that party. In March this year in an interview, he said: "it is strange diablo 3 gold, because I only saw BerlusconiTime, that is, until we tried to aid Fu at that time. ”

