
Diablo 3 Gold wild boar and noThere are natural enemies PXA

129668731838906250_279Elderly people caught wild boars in the other people of "ambush" combing the West Lake scenic area surrounding wild boar infested by this newspaper, wild boar clamp placed more locations diablo 3 gold, consider carefully since Ruqiu, Lake wild boar in the forests where the message is heard. It is said that this is because wild boar are national levels to protect animals, cannot be free to hunt, and the West Lake scenic area belongs to the sanctuary, wild boar and noThere are natural enemies, an increasing number, range coming close to urban areas. Some farmers in order to prevent wild boars, quietly placed a wild boar in the forests clips.   Didn't expect this, yesterday, Chin-Shan Hu Dabo unfortunately caught his right leg was caught by boar clips! Halfway up, old man stepped on in the wild boar caught at 2 o'clock in the afternoon yesterday, Hangzhou fire spirits of covert squadron of the guards ' room sounded short of ringtones: TigerSunlight Mountain tunnel and road on a hill near the entrance, the old man is wild boar caught caught, still it can't move and need relief. 14 firemen friends immediately sped to the scene on a tiger walking and nine Telecom Hill near the entrance of the tunnel of nine Telecom halfway up the mountain and found the old man.   He is seen crouched on the ground, right foot being laid an ambush in the grass of the wild boar caught ground unable to move. OldHuman blood DC in boar right leg of the clips clamp parts Diablo 3 Gold, half squatting for long periods may be too difficult, and wound pain, the old man shivering all over, his face pale, looks almost collapsed. Saving lives. Fireman while comforting the old man, immediate first aid. Wild boars in the clamp is made of coarse steel, General rescue tool is hard to deal with.Finally, the fire fighters cut without tooth saw wild boar clip, save the old man's right foot.   We carry the old man down the send an ambulance. The old man was quickly taken to a nearby hospital, Zhejiang. Orthopedic surgeons after checks found that old man just skin injury, without injury and bone, problems are unlikely. Subsequently, the old man say that they have no money in hurryHurriedly left the hospital. ()

