
ibaka shoulder the task very difficult Rift Platinum ibaka shoulder the task very difficult - WUNM

129823466865625000_73Eibar KD snaps into a grateful defense team-mate: his defensive impact game Yeah sporting May 24: Beijing time this morning, Union official has published annual lists of best defensive lineup this season, Thunder power forward Cap winner Wang ibaka career WINS for the first time this season. This season, his presence is 27.2 minutes showed up in time to be able to send out of 3.65 Cap. Throughout the season, he sent out a total of 241 times coverCAP, ships faster than second place Center deandelie-Jordan more than 106 times. Heard their winning best defensive lineup after a team, ibaka said with excitement: "first of all, for me and my team-mates, the news is good news, this will inspire me, I have more confidence to do my defense, continue to be aggressive, defensive end to help my team.I want to thank my teammates, especially Perkins, he helped me so much. I can have this sense of Defense, was because the lesson of Perkins. He has helped me so much. Corison, and mohanmode, all of the other teammates also. As I said, I selected a team, this is the whole team credit. "With ibaka as well as winning best defensive lineupAlmost all big stars of the League, such as regular tournament most valuable player winner James, magic Center Dwight-Le Blanc-Howard, fast ship-guard Chris Paul. Smaller bear defense expert Tony-Allen's defense capability has also been Union recognition. Before the defensive player of the year award, ibaka has failed to spell Center Tyson-Nick-Chandler. Ibaka is first round 24th show of 2008, was selected by thunder TERA CD-key, ibaka in Spain at war the League a season, until 2009-10 season to officially join the Thunder. Just three seasons time, ibaka has become a League best Cap line, in February of this year, in his time in 19 days, three out of 10 timesEnd cap. On February 19 with the Denver Nuggets, he hit three double, all cut down by 14 points 15 rebounds and a career high 11 caps. Ibaka strong defensive end has been affirmed-t-headed star Kevin Durant, he said: "it is a great honor for him, this proves that he's growing up. He played at defensive end this season-Level of a season, he may not be able to rival shooting Cap out at a time, but his influence has been the opponent shoot, changed the trajectory of opponents a lot of shooting, he used this method to affect the game. "The next finals in the West Rift Platinum, ibaka shoulder the task very difficult, Spurs ' Duncan, Christian Dior and Bonner is a long range, in many cases, t-all need to sacrifice a small lineup,Ibaka to defend Duncan, Durant to defend Christian Dior or Bonner. When it comes to Eibar, Yves Brock said: "throughout the season, he made part of people who work only a few players who can do that. His pick and roll defense wow power leveling, weak side helping to defend very well and so on. �� Others:

