
1 wow power leveling 1 - NSQN

129823520660781250_280Beijing's first card: market downturn as many small "Today's market conditions," two cities Thursday after market overall opened wide turbulence patterns, software, rare earth stocks rising, but helpless weights dragged down shares such as financial, real estate, stock shock drop. As of closing, the two cities both large small Yin line collection. Sector in a State of decreased most, shipbuilding stocks leading the way, rose to 1.51%. Wine-making, chemical fiber,Food, oil stocks leading the declines, fell in the 1.4% above. Huzhi closed at 2350.97 points, down 12.47, or 0.53%, sold for 76.84 billion, shenchengzhi per cent to 9984.58 points, down 158.62, 1.56%, sold for 67.88 billion, two cities together sold for 144.72 billion, andFlat in the previous session. "Peripheral marketing" East Coast time on May 23 (May 24 Beijing time), the Dow Jones industrial average fell 6.47 per cent to 12,496.07, or 0.05%, and the Nasdaq composite index rose 11.04, closed at 2,850.12, rose0.39% the standard and poor's 500 index was up 2.22, closed at 1,318.85 points, or 0.17%. New York gold futures closed down on Wednesday, the day, New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) under the commodity exchange (COMEX) gold futures for delivery in June fell by us $ 28.2 per cent to 15 per Troy ounce48.4 m, or 1.8%. New York crude oil futures prices closed down on Wednesday, the day, New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) price of light crude oil futures for delivery in June fell by us $ 1.95, closed at $ 89.9 per barrel, or 2.1%. European shares sharply lower on Wednesday, Pan-European STOXX 600 index 2.1%,239.51 point. France CAC 40 is down 2.6%, at 3003.27. United Kingdom's FTSE 100 index fell by 2.5%, at 5266.41. Germany DAX 30 index 2.3%, at 6285.75. "Outlook study" two cities Thursday after market overall opened wide pattern of shocks,Software, rare earth stocks rising, but helpless weights dragged down shares such as financial, real estate, stock shock drop. As of closing, the two plates in a State of decreased most, shipbuilding stocks leading the way, rose to 1.51%. Wine, chemical, food, oil stocks leading the declines, fell in the 1.4% above. Huzhi closed at 2350.97 pointsFell 12.47, or 0.53%, sold for 76.84 billion, shenchengzhi per cent to 9984.58 points, down 158.62, 1.56%, sold for 67.88 billion, two cities together sold for 144.72 billion SWTOR Power Leveling, and flat in the previous session. Meeting of the State Council recently decided to promote energy-efficient appliances and other products of consumer policy measures,Decided to arrange financial subsidy $ 26.5 billion to start promotion in line with standard air conditioning, flat-screen TVs TERA Gold, refrigerators, washing machines and water heaters to promote tentative one-year period, arranging for $ 2.2 billion in support of promoting energy-saving lamps and LED lamps, arranging for $ 6 billion in support of promoting the displacement of 1.6 liters and below energy-saving cars, arranging for $ 1.6 billion in support of promoting efficient motor. This policy will be good profitGood product-type enterprises, refrigerators and TV's most expected benefit air conditioning subsidies or exceeded expectations. The subsidies the most favorable competitive-oriented companies such as Haier, Hisense electrical appliance, gree electric appliances. If the subsidy level one or two energy-efficient home appliances, is probably the most benefit from the fridge, refrigerator-level energy efficiency product sales accounted for close to 80% (but there are possibility of re-establishing energy efficiency standards)�� TV benefit greatly, expect a rapid increase in sales. Air-conditioning, or subsidies only inverter air conditioners in the early super market expectations, subsidies of all energy-efficient air conditioning products. Sector valuations are expected to improve. Taking into account the performance of energy subsidy policies gradually deepened, expected in 2013, subsidies in the first half on sales stimulation is best. At the same time due to the low base per cent, 2013 peak appears small appliance sales growth in the first half. Stock market will reflect the expected in advance, household appliances sector valuations are expected to improve. Therefore, recommends investors to give due attention to the industry. From the message view, 1, May HSBC China manufacturing purchasing managers ' index (PMI) Preview 48.7, HSBC China Manufacturing PMI April value of 49.3, Show that in May manufacturing situation continues to deteriorate. In response, Li Wei, an economist at Standard Chartered Bank said May 24, May HSBC China manufacturing purchasing managers index decline confirms the preview value in SC judgment on China's economic situation, that is, in the third quarter, before China entered a u-shaped recovery, China's economy will deteriorate further in the second quarter. 2, Citigroup (cItigroup) Chief Economist Willem Buiter said a few days ago, now Greece there is a lot of uncertainty, but the Bank's latest forecast that Greece to leave eurozone on January 1, 2013, then the currency depreciation, significant decline in economic activity in the same year, the next Greece is expected to achieve a modest recovery. 3, May 23Cloud computing world forum held in Beijing, China. Ministry Chief Economist study Zhou said, our country has will cloud computing as the next generation of information technology industry focus areas, "Twelve-Five" will give its support. From a technical point of view, small market index fell closed wow power leveling, Yin-date line charge line, huzhi continued to hold 2,350, 5th line to fall again, technically, the market Friday around 2350 and the 5th line would continue fighting. Overall, the current economic bad news, it should be said that market has to digest, including the peripheral market adversely interfere with digestion. Short term stock index had stabilised, but investor confidence was hit, short wait-and-see mood in the market is strong, and behind the expected message, will run on the index is more important follow-up ifGood policy gradually accumulate, will lead the market well. Instead, market weakness is likely to continue. On current operations, market uncertainties, see little moving as much as possible. Others:

