
have been instituted. Unique in the world TERA Gold have been instituted. Unique in the world - ZR

129809647047086250_110Define articles called article=art.: wrong is, in itself, cannot be used alone, there is no meaning wow power leveling, in front of the noun, noun meaning specified in help. Articles can be said to be a noun, a sign, it cannot leave exists independently of nouns. Represents the number of terms or features. Category articles are divided into the indefinite "a,an," andThe definite article "the" and zero articles "(/)" three, zero article is not within the meaning of articles. The indefinite one, class, the definite article the, verbal fight, classes, zero-one articles, class refers to people or things. A, an, used only in the singular countable nouns "" meaning, but does not emphasize the number concept, only that the term is not specific to。 The definite article the, represents a specific term, saying "the" · " The "·" The "·" Those who "use singular countable nouns, plural, before uncountable words. (/) Indicates that the terms of other words or proper names, singular plural. Indefinite use and an indefinite articles ago a two-body, not to the number "one"Several words for the first time, and sometimes also to table "every" indefinite "and an" in two forms. "A" in front of words beginning with the consonant phonemes, but not before consonants; "an" in front of words that begin with vowel phoneme instead before vowels, (such as the hour, the first vowel is "а", with an. When the letters appear separately, a eF I o r s h l x to use the indefinite article "an", followed with special attention the u vowel similarly UNIVERSITY this letter alone is not USUAL or do not have the indefinite "an". But UNCLE used "an"). Determined using "a" or "an", there is aMnemonics: see "reasons (vowel)" effects of "NTN (n)". This is the difference of a and an: before words beginning with a consonant phonemes, an is used before words beginning with vowel phonemes. Usage of 11. For the number of names prior to the singular form of the word, "" There is a tiger in the Zoo.There is a tiger in the Zoo. A hundred and more people attended this meeting. More than 100 people attended the meeting. 2. Represents a class of persons or things. A tiger can be dangerous. Tigers may be dangerousOf damage. 3. "A" means. A gentleman wants to see you. A gentleman wants to see you. 4. "The same" mean. They are nearly of an age. They are almost the same age. The two shirts are much of a size. About the size of these two shirts. 5. "Every" means. We go swimming four times a week. We went to swim four times a week. 6. In this book is used before singular countable nouns, identity, occupation.My mother is a teacher. My mother is a teacher. 7. Person or thing referred to in the first, but which is not otherwise specified. Long long ago there was an old king who had a very beautiful daughter. Long, long ago, an old King, he had a very beautiful daughter. 8. In the United Kingdom in English, with "h" multiple-syllable words at the beginning, if the first syllable is not stressed, it can also be used before "an". He plays soccer for an hour. He played football in an hour.9. In such a,quite in a sentence. He is quite a good actor. He is a very good actor. Don't be in such a hurry. Don't be in such a hurry. 10. In exclamations what ... In a sentence. What a pretty girl she is! What a beautiful girl she is! Use of 21. In cases that do not give rise to misunderstandings, two side-by-side before the nouns a noun after the indefinite article may be omitted: The noun is the name of a person or thing. Noun is the name of people and things. 2. when the two side-by-side when the noun refers to the same person, before a noun after the indefinite is usually omitted: His father is a teacher and poet. His father was a teacher and poet. But if you want to emphasize the two identities, after or an indefinite article: Hisfather is a teacher and a poet. His father is a teacher and a poet. Sometimes, due to two side-by-side comparison of close to the noun SWTOR Credits, as a whole, or only one article: a man and woman are walking arm-in-aRM. a man and a woman walked along arm. 3. two adjective modifies a noun at the same time side by side, if the noun refers to two things, you should normally use two articles: We have a black and a white cat. We have a black cat and a white cat. (Comparison: We have a black and white cat. We have a black and white Mimi. ) Sometimes, however, the noun only a thing of two side-by-side, in order to strengthen the tone, there are two articles: It was a cold and dark night. It was a cold dark night. 4.Some made up of two things "natural" things, usually only the first use in the article: a knife and fork knife and fork a cup and saucer a pair of tea cups and saucers-a horse and cart a cart and a needle and thRead a line of needle-hire a car and driver hire a car equipped with drivers and sometimes even the first article is omitted (especially with the preposition even available): with knife and fork with a knife and fork 5. When you want to select terms of two side-by-side and compare when stressed, andShould be repeated two articles: Give me a pen,not a pencil. Give me a pen, not a pencil. Do you want a novel or a dictionary? You want this novel, or want to the dictionary? Note in the phrase used in some quantity: A lot of many a couple of a-a great many many a dozen a dozen (but you can also use one dozen) a great deal of lot 11. Terms used in the language. all of a suddenSuddenly as a result the results a little point; a great many=a a little bit a very large number of many; a large number a great deal (of...) many a lot (of...) ManyHave a good have-a cold cold (Nice,wonderful,great) had a happy time pay a visit to visit the usage of the definite article trick definite article use the formulas put into verse: refers to both familiar with, above, have been instituted. Unique in the world, bearingTerm instruments. Some proper nouns, plural last names. Ordinal the highest levels, usage in mind. 1. Refers to a (s) or some (some) things This is the House where Luxun once lived. This is the House where Lu Xun once lived. 2. Used to refer to talk twoParty all clearly refers to people or things, Open the door,please. Please open the door. 3. To repeat the above mentioned person or thing (mentioned for the first time "or an" referred to again in the future, "the") Once there lived a lion in the forest. Every day the lion asked small animals to look for food for him. Once upon a time there lived in the forest a lion. The lion to animals every day in search of food for him. 4. Using ordinal numbers and an adjective before the highest levels. January is the first month of the year. January is the first month of the year. He is always the first to come and the last to leave. He is always the first to the last one left。 Shanghai is the biggest city in China. Shanghai is China's largest city. 5. Representing the Earth, the universe, and other unique things of the Sun the Sun the Earth the sky of the Earth the sky the Moon the Moon tHe world world 6. Means the common noun proper noun consisting of the West Lake, West Lake the Great Wall great wall the United States United States the United Nations to the United Nations the Browns bulangyiThe English British the WTO World Trade Organization 7. Used to indicate location, location, time or a specific part of the day. In the East in the East in the West in the Western front at the front in the BACK in the back in the bottom at the bottom at the top on the right at the top on the right on the left on the left, 8. In oceans, rivers, lakes, mountains, the Pacific Ocean before the geographical terms such as Straits, the Gulf peaceOcean the Huanghe River Yellow River in the Tianshan Mountains Tian Shan the Taiwan Straits in Taiwan Strait: Lone Mountain without the prior. 9. Before the last name plural, The Bakers said family came tosee me yesterday. Baker family came to see me yesterday. 10. And used some of the adjectives, adjective noun, representing the category of the poor or the rich for the poor the rich are the sick patients wounded wounded the goodGood people of the beautiful beautiful things 11. In the working class, political party of the working class before the noun the Chinese Communist Party Communist Party of 12. In the very stressed in This is the very book I want. This is what I want the book. 13. In the comparative level of more,the more The more you drink,the more you like it in the sentence. The more you drink, the more love to drink. 14. Used before a Western musical instruments (national musical instrument is not added before) play the piano plays the piano play the violin violin * Chinese musical instruments used before a noun and not article: play erhu (erhu) invented the n{} is a singular who invented the telephone 15. Certain fixed expressions in the morning in the afternoon in the morning in the afternoon, in the evening go to the cinema to see a film in the evening go to the theAtre to play all the year round the year round on the way to ... On his way to 16. The combined with singular countable nouns can represent a class of people or things, The horse is a useful animal. Horse is a usefulMatter. Note: as this kind of sentence or two kinds of writing a horse is a useful animal. Horses are useful animals. 17. In the sentence "the verb SB. preposition a part the body" to use the, instead of personal pronouns.Take SB. arm hit by the arm to seize SB SB. be red in the face of a person's face in the face blushing be lame in the right leg right leg went lame in the structure, before the term you want to use the18 century or before a plural noun for every ten {1990} in the18th century in the 18th century in the 1960s in the multi-ethnic nationality adjectives used in the 1960 of the 20th century the Chinese are brave hard-workiNG 20 Chinese people are industrious and courageous people of dynasties in Conference history to newspapers and magazines before the noun usage of the Xian incident ' zero articles 1. Before proper nouns, mass nouns, abstract nouns without articles in General (especially adding articles) (/) cHina China (/) Europe Europe (/) Money money (/) Music music (/) Lei Feng Lei Feng (/) William Shakespeare William Shakespeare 2. Month, week, before the Festival in general do not add articles (especially adding articles) (/)January January (/) Sunday Sunday (/) Christmas Day Christmas day (/) Thanksgiving Thanksgiving (/) National Day national day (/) May Day may day: ... on a Sundaymorning. On a Sunday morning ... (Meaning that one. ) Note: national festivals to add before the such as: the Spring Festival 3. Three meals a day, four seasons ago without any articles I have (/) lunch at (/) school. I have lunch at school.(/) Summer is the best season for swimming. Is good for swimming in the summer season. More: I had a big lunch yesterday. Yesterday I ate a big lunch. (A) The dinner given by Mr Smith was very nice. Mr Smith hospitality dinner was delicious. (The): I will never forget the summer we spent in Hawaii. I'll never forget usHawaii spent that summer. (The) 4. Ball games play (/) play basketball basketball play (/) to play volleyball volleyball (/) football football 5. No specific material terms of This cart is made of (/) wood. This cart is made of wood. Compare: The wood outside was all wet. The wood is wet outside. (The) 6. No specified number is not abstract nouns (/) Time is precious. Time is valuable. Compare: The time of the play was the 1990s. Background of the play was in the 1990 of the 20th century. (The) 7. Not especially after the plural countable nouns. I like (/) tomatoes. I like tomatoes。 8. Mountains (/) Mount Qomolangma Everest 9. Go to fixed phrases (/) school to school go to (/) bed go to bed by (/) train take the train to go by (/) boat cruiseAt (/) table in the dining in (/) hospital inpatient at (/) school to study in (/) school education at (/) noon at noon (/) at night in the evening (/) midnightIn the midnight (/) town in the city 10. Nouns without articles in a separate structure a boy came in, (/) book in hand. A boy came in, with a book in hand. 11. Refers to humans (/) Man is mortal. People will die. 12. "Sort of kind of nouns of the noun" in a sentence What (/) kind of (/) flower is what it is spent? I like this sort of (/)book. I like this book. 13. Refers to the position, title words, Such as King,Captain,President,Chairman,leader and so on. He is (or the) Captain of the team. He was the team's captain. As (or the) Chairman of the Committee,I declare the meeting open. As Chairman of the Committee, I declare the meeting open. Compare: The Captain of Morritius (Netherlands colonial) head of Mauritius article and three meals a day match nouns when used alone, usually without prior articlesThree meals a day except if and when the adjective before the noun: We have (/) breakfast at eight. We have breakfast at 8 o'clock. He gave us a good breakfast. He gave us a big breakfast. I was invited to(/) dinner. They invited me to dinner. I was invited to a dinner given to welcome the new ambassador. I was invited to welcome the new Ambassadors dinner. The Scots have (/)porridge for breakfast. The Scots porridge for breakfast. The wedding breakfast was held in her father’s house. Wedding morning feast is held in her father's home. Prepositional phrases and articles., when the following termsRefers to its "main purpose", when that is associated with the behavior, use zero articles. At (/) table in the eating at the table next to the table at (/) Desk reading a book at the desk next to the desk at (/) learn at school in theIn school in the school (/) class in the class inside the class in class (/) in the bed bed bed in bed in (/) prison locked up in the prison (), in prison in (/) Hospital inpatient in the Hospital () in the hospital go to (/) school to school go to the school (due to) to go to (/) bed go to the bed to bed (), Go on to the bed (/) hospital to see a doctor go to the Hospital (because) to hospital. take (/) place take the place instead of in (/) place of instead of in thePlace of ... In the (/) if it should in the case of the case of ... Out of (/) question no doubt (100%) out of the question out of the question (0%)Indefinite phrases is typically used after a while when all of a sudden after a while as a rule often result as a result, so as a matter of fact, in fact as a whole is largelyAt a loss wondering what to do in a hurry cut in a way to a certain extent, in a word all in all It ' s a pity that sth Regrettable was that put an end to sth End come to an endEnd conclusions have come to a conclusion that a good time to have a good time have a rest a rest have a cold cold and have a Word with sth Talk about keep an eye fOr about Taste make a living earning fire light, make a make a fool of fool articles take a walk for a walk location 1) indefinite location indefinite noun or noun modifiers in the former. Note: a. in the following describedAfter words: such,what,many,half,I have never seen such an animal. Many a man is fit for the job. B. noun adjective adverb before as,so,too,how,HoWhen Wever,enough modification, indefinite articles should be placed after the adjectives: It is as pleasant a day as I have ever spent. So short a time. Too long a distance. c. quiTe,rather used with singular nouns, articles in. But when the rather,quite still have adjectives, indefinite articles both before and after it. Such as: quite a lot d. as,though in the boot of the adverbial clause of concession, when when the banner is an adjective modifying a noun, after the indefinite adjectives: Brave a man though he is,he trembles at the sight of snakes. Despite his brave, visible to the snake was shaking. When a noun is comparative adjectives, indefinite articles are usually placed after the comparative adjectives. 2) definite positionArticles are usually located before the noun or noun modifiers, but after the word such as all,both,double,half,twice,three times, before the noun. All the students in the class went out. All the students in the class went out. Special use 1) two adjectives that have articles, saying two different things. He raises a black and a white cat. He had a black cat and a white cat. The black and the white cats are hers. ThisBlack Cat white cat and her only Cup of tea with a milk,a cup of milk tea with a cup of lemon tea, a cup of lemon tea-2) as the latter adjective no article, means one thing. He raises a black and white cat. He keeps aMimi (secondary colour black and white cat). The black and white cat is hers. Mimi is she only using error members in addition to master the basic rules for using articles, also should not stick to the rules, note that articles use: 1. Represents a unique thing in the world plus the definite article before the noun the; But if the modifiers before nouns, indefinite a,an may also be used. the world,a peaceful world the moon,a bright moon 2. Day three meals a day earlier in terms of generally do not have articles, but the front if the attribute modification, may also use indefinite articlesa,an。 Have you had (/) supper We had a wonderful supper. 3. Musical instruments before nouns with definite article the, but if the attribute modification occurs in front, the indefinite a,an may also be used. He starts his day by playing the violin. He is playing a borrowed (/) violin. 4. Prepositions and transport terms of use general terms, generally do not have articles before, but if you appear in front of the noun modifiers, front need to be articles. He went to the station by (/) car. He went to the station in a black car. 5. Languages generally do not have articles before nouns, but behind the term if there is a language, you want plus the definite article the in front.(/) English=the English language (/) French=the French language 6. Turn when used as a verb, behind this book is before a singular noun without articles. He turned (/) writer many years later. (=He became a writer many years later.) Article mnemonics articles divided into definite article, indefinite, indefinite articles a and an, "-" table refers to the meaning, the need to use the, order, direction, and the highest levels, objects in the world alone,Once again people or things, articles from the following conditions, subject ball three meals, plural form generally refers to, season weeks in advance of the month, article instead of the article TERA Gold, pause (/) and then read the following. Others:

