
aoc gold and 22nd averages down - GFY

129742939239531250_388[Meeting evaluation] foreign exchange markets on Friday, hottest on investors than the euro-zone Finance Ministers on Monday discussed Greece second bailout loan details, results if relations with foreign trends, specific analyses: 1. On Friday, UBS said in its latest report, Greece could not be saved, but you can expect the crisis will not be spread. It thinks,Second aid funds and the private sector participation scheme cannot eventually solve Greece issues, and gives two reasons: first aid plan has developed a very ambitious goal, partly based on the foundation of economic growth, but this assumption seems to be overly optimistic, for example, in order to comply with the plan, Greece had to on a 2012 deficit from 9% per cent, the proportionAlmost halved; second, even if the envisaged plan is realized, Greece 120% reduction of debt to GDP by 2020, while interest expenditure is equivalent to the GDP of 4%, its long-term debt sustainability remains a cause for doubt. 2. Friday's euro-zone officials said Friday that Germany hoped that euro-zone Finance Ministers discussed in Greece when not to 130 billion euros (US $ 171 billion) bailout Fund and debt swaps in the country treated separately. Germany Government officials say, as long as the Greece bailout agreement conditions are met, decided at a meeting of euro-zone Finance Ministers on Monday issued a package of relief fund, and the resolution together with the debt swap is complete, but France's Finance Minister comparing declined to comment. Has revealed that because of euro-zone finance ministers had agreed on reducing Greece debtBurden, and the tightening of control relief funds of an argument, it spawned on Greece voting in two-step proposal may at next Monday's meeting of Finance Ministers of the eurozone debt swap will not be a separate vote, will not delay the others rescue funds. In addition, Euro Group President Juncker said Greece target in 2020, reduce the burden of debt to GDP(GDP) of 120%, but to complete this goal may be difficult. At present, the Greece debt to GDP 1.6 times, while the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the European Central Bank (ECB) and the European Commission (European Commission) analysis of the report showed they expected the country's debt burden ratio dimensionsAt the level of 1.29 times times, and the IMF has hinted that if the country's debt burden cannot be reduced to a GDP120% level, so the Agency might not be as Greece for their loans. 3. On Friday, United States Chamber of Commerce reported, the country's January leading indicators of slightly less than expected, but the 4th consecutive month of gains imply the world's largest economies in 201Potential of 2 years is continuing expansion in the first half. Also released data showing, United States Chamber of Commerce January consultation leading indicator increased month rate by 0.4%, slightly less than expected increases in 0.5%, increased by 0.4% in December of last year, of which 94.9 the January leading index data, the highest level since July 2008 in January, lagging indicator month by 0.4%. At the same time,United States Labor Department data showed, under the influence of rising gasoline prices, United States January consumer price index (CPI) rose 2.9% per annum, in line with expectations. Judging from the overall trend, the dollar index fell slightly short, and 22nd averages down, but is unlikely to decline in may continue to be cautious. Euro: Euro 22nd averages support rally, temporarily placedRemoval of short-term downward path, improve the MACD chart shows a downward trend, proposed to hold in 1.31 buy euro, short-term targets 1.323, expected volatility in the euro on Monday between 1.31 per cent. Japanese Yen: the yen fell sharply in a row aoc gold, fell to a near four-month low of 79.5, KDJ index is down divergent, recommends that the wait-and-see,Period of weeks between 1st band at 79.3 per cent. Sterling: pound swings upward, short-term support at the 10th averages, but the pressure over a larger, major resistance at the 200-day moving average guild wars 2 gold, that is, above the 1.59, recommends that this position may be appropriate to reduce the closed higher in Sterling positions warhammer online gold, expect Sterling volatility between 1.583 per cent on Monday. Australian dollar: the Australian dollarDash finishing trend, remains 10th averages fluctuating, maintain the 50 RSI indicator neutral levels, it is recommended that careful, is expected Monday to a $ volatility between 1.07-1.08. CHF: Swiss franc is a narrow finish, MACD displays speed lines are parallel to ankylosis, recommends that the wait-and-see, volatility is expected Monday Swiss francs 0.91-0.923In between. Canadian dollar: Canadian dollar again rose to 200 day moving average, is close to high 0.9926 levels this month, recommended caution on high gains near this location, is expected between departments to c $ 0.9900 per cent on Monday. [Road King Road oil review] spot gold down slightly on Friday, in addition to investor reluctance to position too long weekend, technical selling pressure heavyWeight gains popularity outside Monday Greece how to solve the problem also affects changes in the market, for example, Euro Group President Juncker said Greece target in 2020, reduce the burden of debt to gross domestic product (GDP) of 120%, but to complete this goal may be difficult. Gold support is mainly market growth positions, such as the world's largestGold trading volume increased 3.02 metric tons of gold holdings of the Fund as of February 16, to 1,281.28 tons of levels, as well as the World Gold Council believes that China's Central Bank in the last few months a lot of buying gold in 2011, is the cause of China's gold imports surge. Crude oil continued a steady rising trend, given the economic data, Iran originalOil supply issues and Greece debt became more clear, such as multiple good boost, for example, Germany on euro-zone Finance Ministers on Monday reached 130 billion euros (about us $ 171 billion) Greece bailout agreement are optimistic. At the same time, market on Iran tensions caused crude oil supply shortage worries still exist. From the analysis of technical graphics, spot gold maintained 5th run averages around, Short bounce relatively weak power, it is recommended that careful, is expected Monday between departments to spot gold at $ 1715-1740/oz; spot silver short slow down with the 125-day moving average line, keep on supporting 33 dollars an ounce level for the time being, it is recommended that key support performance, spot silver on Monday is expected volatility in 33-33. between $ 8 an ounce; International crude oilDown to 5th bounced back again after the application support, exceeded year-high of $ 103.74/barrel, it is recommended that careful, is expected today of the international band between 103.4 per cent a barrel of crude oil.

