
but Germany was so resolute attitude

129667864473896642_412Each reporter Zheng Buchun reflected European debt crisis on the German debt, the euro plunged on Wednesday. This week, despite "European Bond" controversy, but Germany exception explicitly against it. Parties to the comprehensive situation, the recent euro-zone was unlikely rescue package acceptable to all parties introduced euro short-term domestic story has its positive support, future thought should be bearish on the euro, which fell not end of statement。 Disaster to Germany penetrating Germany bond auction results bad, "European Bond" process does not shun diablo 3 gold, coupled with China's manufacturing data slump and other factors, common cause euro and commodity currencies under pressure on Wednesday, and the proceeds of the dollar index rose. On Wednesday, the euro plunged 1.21% Thursday up $ 0.3% to $ (18:15). Dollar index weekThree up 1.12% on Thursday fell 0.32% per cent. Thursday is Thanksgiving, weak trading in financial markets, the wave direction reference is not strong. On Wednesday Germany issue EUR 6 billion 10-year government bonds, but it is totally unexpected, close to 40% stream. This stimulus, the market threw the euro. At the same time, gambling Germany bond CDS increases in moneyIncrease in the amount of record highs, reflecting the short eventually will spearhead market towards Euro mainstay in Germany. Recent European Central Bank, often in the secondary market acquisition of Italy, and Spain and other countries the public debt, protecting its not moving on to 7%, some of these actions was made public, some covert. However, the European Central Bank is the European Central Bank, by some Member States to benefit, you must make otherOfficers injured. European Central Bank's move essentially the equivalent of printing money, not only in Germany, such as debt relatively healthy state is the victim, and printing the Act itself would undermine the prospects for euro. On Thursday, Italy, and Spain 10-year government bond yields and 6.969%, respectively, though still reluctant at 7% points below, but if gas Hairspring. Stubborn GermanyPeople on Wednesday pressed the euro a big bad is Germany, Angela Merkel is still resolutely because she rebuffed European bonds issued or was proposed by the European Central Bank as a lender. Above was rejected by the Merkel proposal was put forward by the European Commission, its designed three issue euro bonds programme, but they are not to be Merkel acknowledged. German, French and Italian leaders on Thursday talksEurozone finance ministers will meet next Tuesday, but Germany was so resolute attitude, there'll be no optimism. European debt crisis resolution (or delay) method, is that European Central banks printing money, or the International Monetary Fund to step in. The former Germany firmly opposed, huge difficulties, which include Japan and the United States, China and other countries in the waterAnd how difficult the same larger. Germany bonds auction poor and "European Bond" process does not shun, seemingly two things, but in fact have a certain relevance. If Germany and other countries contribute too much on aid debt, its financial situation must be eroded. If Germany would not contribute to aid Greece diablo 3 power leveling, and Italy, and Spain and other countries, the euro can only be dropped. If GermanyHand, it is a significant drag, Germany bond market could generate unrest, ultimately the euro still shocks. Euro support factors logically has no greater, so continue to avoid the euro may be the only choice. Dollar strong extension above the euro bad is dollar bullish, in addition, China's economy cooling suppressed commodity money, triggering increased global risk aversion, which is equally beneficialTo the dollar. In addition, the United Kingdom economy is still weak, and further quantitative easing expected repression of sterling. These factors indicate the dollar index is really strong this time. Market demand for dollar assets, which in the United States public debt trend can be seen very clearly. Current United States 10-year government bond yield was its lowest since May this year, only 1.885%. Lower thanPerhaps only Switzerland, and Sweden, and Japan, not many national public debt. Currently Germany 10-year government bond yields have risen to 2.207%. Dollar strong is not all of these factors. In fact, investors are getting found in all the major economies, had not previously been optimistic about the United States appeared more positive data, and this situation has been a long time. Not all United States economic indicators are good,Often also have repeatedly, but the number of weekly unemployment benefits early for the third consecutive week below 400,000 people under this important dividing line. Another very important data is the property market, the monthly new-home construction data overall is still not high, but many months did not significantly deteriorated, has remained at under 300,000 sets not far away. Recent increase in a month or from the 5.7%, and predicted only increased 1.7%. As regards the consumption data, although traditionally more important, but don't be so superstitious, United States, after all, the financial crisis caused by overconsumption. Announced this week the United States in October, consumer spending slowdown, but income growth rise, this is not necessarily a bad thing, because it hints Americans and increasing savings.

